The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Vince Shlomi’s ShamWow ‘Love Slave’

Pictured above is 23-year-old Jennifer Kosinski, a model who worked as a personal assistant for Vince Shlomi — the famous TV informercial pitch-man for ShamWow and Slap Chop — and who has now filed a federal lawsuit against her 46-year-old former boss: Kosinski moved to Miami Beach, where she became Shlomi’s personal assistant (and lived rent-free […]

REPORT: Beck to End Daily Fox Show

Apparently, Glenn Beck has issued a press release announcing he “intends to transition off of his daily program” on Fox News Channel. Exactly what that means, we don’t know yet. UPDATE: The press release describes discussions about “a variety of television projects” in a vague enough way that media tea-leaf readers at both the Washington Post and […]

Conor Friedersdorf: Now Turning the Atlantic into Media Matters Lite?

When Andrew Sullivan jumped ship to The Daily Beast, Conor Friedersdorf stayed behind at the Atlantic, where today he devotes some 1,800 words to Why Rush Limbaugh Is Wrong About Libya. A few sample Conorisms: His commentary has misled his audience, his prejudices have helped to distract the conservative movement from the stance it ought […]

Charlie Sheen Fails To Retain Stacy McCain As A Creative Consultant, With Predictable Results

by Smitty Lots of other blogs are reporting the disaster, but the title hit me when I saw Another Black Conservative. Emphasis mine: One of the big underpinnings behind Sheen being entertaining is the fact that the man was having a meltdown. For whatever reason, we all love to watch those who reached the top […]

Funny Video: Meatloaf Goes Psycho vs. Gary Busey on ‘Celebrity Apprentice’

OK, this is funny for a couple of reasons: First, because between Meatloaf and Busey, you’d think Busey would be most likely to have a psycho-meltdown. And second, it’s an argument over — wait for it — art supplies. (Hat-tip: Common Patriot on Twitter.)

It Was Not Until I Went Looking for a Photo to Illustrate This Post …

. . . that I stumbled onto this photo of Baldilocks, Darleen Click and Little Miss Attila: You see, it was a little past 1 a.m. this morning, and I’d just gotten the URL for my column at The American Spectator, which was written Sunday afternoon. What I was looking for was a photo to […]


The opening show of Charlie Sheen’s “Violent Torpedo of Truth” tour in Detroit was a bomb of historic proportions. People who paid as much as $65 a ticket were booing and walking out. One self-described Sheen fan who came all the way from Toronto for the show said: “He’s making a fool of himself. Is […]

Showing Any Public Figure Crucified Is As Tasteless As Burning The Qur’an

by Smitty An interesting discussion came up today regarding the idiot in Florida who burned the Qur’an, and the resulting deaths in MeS, just north of me by a couple of hours. Burning anyone’s scripture is deplorable. Double deplorable for anyone nominally a follower of the Christ. Do you really think He’d do such? Really? […]

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