The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Beck and O’Reilly vs. Hannity?

Among the many interesting tidbits in Gabriel Sherman’s gossipy 6,000-word article about Roger Ailes and Fox News: Sean Hannity complained to [Fox News programming chief] Bill Shine about Beck. And it didn’t help matters that O’Reilly, who had become friends with Beck and can’t stand Hannity, scheduled Beck as a regular guest, a move that only […]

Because Life Is Beautiful

“I’ve never set out to win a popularity contest. I came from [being previously pro-choice], but when I was confronted with the science — and I spoke to top scientists throughout our country asking, ‘Would you please just show me some shred of evidence that the unborn is not a human being?’ and no one […]

2012 Candidates Not Named ‘Herman’

It’s kinda been all-Herman, all-the-time here lately, so let me update you on what’s going on with the non-Hermans: Democrats are running attack ads against Mitt Romney in South Carolina. Exactly why Democrats would be monkeying around in a GOP primary is an interesting question. (Hat-tip: Ann Althouse.) America braces for the onset of T-Paw Fever: Tim […]

Congratulations and Condolences

Congratulations to Todd and Sarah Palin whose 22-year-old son, Track, just married his high-school sweetheart, Britta Hanson. And condolences to The Lonely Conservative, whose mother died yesterday. She asks that you remember the Troopathon.

Schwarzenegger, Babies and Bathwater

Image by Irony Curtain, “Arnold Schwarzenegger has disappointed all of those who put their faith in males, Republicans, politicians or all any combination of the above.” — Red State Gal, Death by 10,000 Papercuts That’s rather over-generalizing, isn’t it? Surely, somewhere in America, there must be at least one male Republican politician who hasn’t spawned […]

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Love Children (Yep. I Said ‘Children,’ Which Is Plural)

The first fallout of Tuesday’s big reveal: A 2003 story by the Daily Mail about Tanner Tousignant — teenage son of a former stewardess on Arnold’s private jet — suddenly seems a lot more credible. However, when Gawker recycled the Tanner tale, the reporter on that old Daily Mail story said, “Nuh-uh. That’s the wrong love child. […]

Chris Matthews Goes Off on GOP ‘Hate’; Mark Levin Goes Off on NBC News

Watching MSNBC is fun from an anthropological perspective. This is the kind of stuff that liberals believe. This is how their minds work. Here is Chris Matthews accusing Republicans and the Tea Party of hate: What is so bizarre about that is that this wasn’t some off-the-cuff  gaffe. It was an actual scripted segment, during which Matthews used […]

Schwarzenegger Shagged Her: Arnold Fathered Child With Household Staffer

Cook? Nanny? Housekeeper? No details, but (a) she was married, and (b) the kid is at least 10 years old: Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife, Maria Shriver, separated after she learned he had fathered a child more than a decade ago — before his first run for office — with a longtime […]

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