The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

So, Sarah Palin Is Not Running. . .
A Traditional Campaign

by Smitty I’m upgrading my Sarah Palin prediction from “not not running” to “not running a traditional campaign”. Ann Althouse looks at the scoffings of the Romney and Pawlenty campaigns, griping that Sarah is not following the conventional path, and then invokes Fred Thompson. Ah, Fred. The interesting question becomes whether the GOP will, petulantly, […]

Comedy Gold: Meghan McCain Blames Her Lousy Dating Life on Sarah Palin

America’s Most Famous Dumb Blonde: Jay Leno: Are you dating anyone? Meghan McCain: No. I’m in, like, dating Babylon. Like, I go on dates with men and, literally, like Sarah Palin will come up in like the first 20 minutes, and that doesn’t put me in the mood. Like, talking about Sarah Palin. And they […]

Media Ignores Black Woman Who Calls Palin ‘Funny, Nice and Genuinely Warm’

Angel Massey (right) and her husband Michael Massey (left) with their son, Kyle Massey. In a recent interview with a celebrity gossip Web site, Angel Massey described how, during last season’s Dancing With the Stars, her family became friends with Sarah Palin’s family: “Both of our families gelled during Dancing with the Stars. Sarah would […]

Is Governor Palin Running in 2012?

Earlier this month, Fox News ended its contracts with GOP presidential candidates Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum. The network also reportedly delivered an ultimatum to Mike Huckabee that he, too, must decide: Either give up his Fox show or disavow a 2012 presidential run. When Sarah Palin chose then to continue her contract with Fox, I deduced […]

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Love-Child Scandal Leak Came From Maria Shriver

Hell hath no fury, et cetera: The Arnold Schwarzenegger baby drama story was leaked to the media by Maria Shriver’s own people … and they did it because Maria was so angry at Arnold, she wanted to do it herself. . . . We’re told when Maria found out that Arnold was the father of […]

Never Burn a Source

Nothing is more essential to a newsman’s craft than trust. If your sources can’t trust you to keep a secret, they’re not going to tell you everything you need to know, because sometimes you need to know more than you can actually report. Therefore, to breach confidentiality — to burn a source by reporting what […]

Christina Hendricks Talks About Her Breasts: ‘They’re So Obviously Real …’

“It was reported this year that there had been a sharp rise in breast augmentation in the UK because British women were longing to look more like Christina, though she says: ‘I hope I’m not encouraging that. If there’s anything to be learned from me it’s that I’m learning to celebrate what I was born […]

Everybody’s Talking 2012

Instapundit had an uncharacteristically long post about the 2012 Republican presidential field, my favorite reaction being Professor Stephen Clark’s remark: “Rove and Krauthammer amuse me with their response to Herman Cain. Since when has it become self-evident that a man with the professional accomplishments of Herman Cain is unfit to hold the office of President […]

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