The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Thanks, Rush!

Here’s the transcript of Rush Limbaugh’s show today: Folks, this is from Robert Stacy McCain, the American Spectator blog: “Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is expected within a week to make a decision on whether to enter the 2012 presidential campaign, according to one Republican source. Vendors of campaign services who hope to work for […]

‘Was That a Denial, Governor?’

MINNEAPOLIS “We are not having this phone conversation.” The phone call woke me up from a well-deserved nap here at the Hilton, site of the Right Online conference. Before I’d laid down for my nap, I’d posted a brief item at The American Spectator blog: Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is expected within a week […]

‘Bombast is Olbermann’s Métier’

Just a striking phrase ripped from a New York Times feature about The Bombastic One’s eagerly awaited (by him) return to TV, on Al Gore’s Current network, which isn’t available on my cable system and probably isn’t available on yours. Basically, the story is about how Keith Olbermann likes being on TV all the time, […]

New York Times: ‘Media Colonoscopy’ of Palin E-Mails Was ‘Not a Witch Hunt’

Clay Waters at NewsBusters calls attention to an article by New York Times writer Jeremy Peters: The New York Times and The Guardian sent reporters armed with scanners and then solicited readers’ assistance. Politico enlisted a dozen editors, reporters and interns who worked as a team from their Northern Virginia newsroom “plowing through” the documents, as […]

America’s Cultural Elite

“Anthony Weiner deserves to be supported and hopefully he will be mayor of New York one day. I’m serious. He is a Democrat [who] actually fights for the things liberals and progressive and rational people care about. I don’t know why he’s being thrown under the bus. He hasn’t done any — he hasn’t broke […]

One Thing You Probably Never Expected You Would See on ‘Fox and Friends’

Of course, I mean, Khloe Kardashian’s right nipple: TMZ reports: Khloe Kardashian appeared on “Fox & Friends” for just over 6 minutes this morning … with her right nipple in FULL VIEW the entire time!!! . . . Nobody on the set seemed to notice — but tons of viewers did … and they bombarded […]

‘Had Two’

by Smitty I can understand why Dan Riehl enjoys thrashing Jennifer Rubin so much. Emphasis mine in the following: As I have written before, following the 2008 presidential election Palin had two choices: be a serious political leader or occupy that space between celebrity and conservative rabble-rouser. She was far better suited to the latter, […]

‘The Light of the World’

That painting by Charles Chambers is titled The Light of the World. Many years ago, a print of that painting hung in a first-grade classroom. But then the Supreme Court forbade religion in public schools, which meant the painting of baby Jesus had to go, and so the teacher took it home with her. Years […]

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