The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Doesn’t Mercede Johnston Reminds You of That Line From ‘Gone With the Wind’?

The one where Scarlett O’Hara says of India Wilkes, “Why, if she thought anybody would take after her, she’d walk down the street naked.” Mercede Johnston is following in her brother’s footsteps and taking it all off for the cameras. Two years after Levi Johnston bared his bum for Playgirl, his 18-year-old sister will be […]

VIDEO: Teen Bride Courtney Stodden Says, ‘God Blessed Me With My Soulmate’

You are free to criticize the 16-year-old singer for her marriage to 51-year-old Doug Hutchison, but she says you need to take your argument to The Man Upstairs: ‘I was a virgin,’ said Courtney. ‘I knew that if I kept that, I would really be blessed with a beautiful gift. And God did. He blessed […]

How Cute Is This Video?

It’s cute enough to gain AOSHQ contributor R.D. Brewer admission to the prestigious “ReTweeted by Alyssa Milano” Club: Alyssa is a connoisseur of cute videos, so as soon as R.D. posted this in Ace of Spades HQ Headlines, I knew she was gonna love this: You gotta admit: That’s a minute and 28 seconds of […]

Sarah Palin Stimulates Economy, Boosts Employment, Annoys Liberal Media

The big “scoop” from the Federal Election Commission report: Sarah Palin spent almost $14,000 to adorn her “One Nation” tour bus with larger-than-life renditions of the Constitution, Liberty Bell, and her signature. That’s one of hundreds of expenditures listed in SarahPAC’s semi-annual FEC report, which was filed online today. The former Alaska governor’s political action […]


The Right Scoop got a Drudge hit on video of Sarah Palin’s Wednesday appearance on Sean Hannity’s show: Watch the latest video at “I don’t trust this President. . . . He doesn’t know how to make those cuts. He’s never had to do this before. He’s always just been one to spend other people’s […]

Cthulhu 2012

“Why settle for the lesser evil?” Sarah Palin on the current evil in Washington: It’s a matter of public record that I did not go to Harvard Law School, but I can add. The same “experts” who got us into this mess are now telling us that the only way out of our debt crisis […]

Betty Ford, Dancer, R.I.P.

That’s her in the center, in 1938. “Dancer” is probably not the first thing you think of when you think of Betty Ford, but “rock singer” is probably not the first thing you think of when you think of me. Yet I was once a rock singer and guitarist, and Betty Ford was once a […]

Sarah Palin 2012 Prospect ‘Dwindles’?

Tucked into a Foreign Policy article by Josh Rogin: “As of now, it’s unclear how far Palin’s foreign-policy shift will take her. But as the prospect of her presidential candidacy dwindles, it matters increasingly less.” There was zero reaction from Palin to this morning’s quote from a grassroots organizer in Iowa, saying he’s “100 percent” […]

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