The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Weird News: Nephew of Joe Lieberman Accused of Massive Online Art Fraud

Chad Love-Lieberman, 34, reputed nephew of Connecticut Sen. Joseph Lieberman, has been accused of copyright infringement and fraud. Love-Lieberman’s alleged fraud was exposed after an online publication Campus Socialite picked up a story from the South Florida Chronicle about Love-Lieberman’s self-proclaimed success as a “multimedia pop artist.” Campus Socialite further asserted that Love-Lieberman had taken out a […]

The Perry-Palin Litmus Test

by Smitty Allahpundit, emphasis mine: Since we’re talking Perry, Palin, and Iowa, here’s an … interesting poll that made the rounds yesterday. There’s nothing obviously suspect to me about the methodology for surveying Republicans (the poll was automated, just like all of Rasmussen’s), but I’m not familiar with this pollster so assign whatever degree of […]

GOP Presidential Primary Apocalypse

Tim Pawlenty’s former campaign staff is reportedly hoping to join the campaign of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. This is amusing: Who wants to start their campaign with a team of losers? It’s also pathetic: Unemployed campaign staffers pinning their future hopes on a guy who has repeatedly said he is not running for president. […]

If Sarah Palin Isn’t Running for President, Why Is She Releasing This Iowa Video?

New from SarahPAC: And everyone who had previously concluded that Palin is not running in 2012 — I among them — must now ask themselves: Why is she making a such a big deal about her Iowa trip? And, while we’re asking that question, why is she giving a speech at a Sept. 3 Tea […]

I Would Very Much Like to Say That Janeane Garofalo Has Lost Her Mind …

. . . but there isn’t much evidence that she was ever entirely sane: Last night, on failed MSNBC talk host Keith Olbermann’s new Current TV show (a network with less viewers than MSNBC), Janeane Garofalo said Herman Cain must be getting paid to run, has Stockholm Syndrome and that the Tea Party and Conservative […]

Malkin Not Keen on ‘Governor Gardasil’

The Boss went after Rick Perry for imposing mandatory vaccination with Gardasil on 12-year-old girls. Gardasil protects against human pappiloma virus (HPV, genital warts) and, at the time of the 2007 decision, social conservatives were outraged by the idea of requiring that girls so young be vaccinated against a sexually transmitted disease. Libertarians were outraged […]

Irony Alert: Meghan McCain Criticizes Sarah Palin for ‘Attention-Seeking Antics’

New idiocy frrom the world’s dumbest dumb blonde: Much of Sarah Palin’s allure seems to fade by each passing talking point of Michele Bachmann’s that goes viral. And with each passing day, Sarah Palin looks more and more like a confused woman who can’t decide which way to go. The last thing our country needs […]

The Pappas-Palin Drama

Last night I wrote a post at The American Spectator entitled, “Dear Governor Palin: Please Call Me,” an attempt to clear up a misunderstanding of an incident that transpired Friday while Sarah Palin was at the Iowa State Fair. While the governor has not yet called, I have spoken to people familar with the situation […]

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