The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Sarah Palin Shows Her Union Card

Writing “as a proud former union member and the wife, daughter, and sister of union members,” Sarah Palin denounces the “thuggery” of Jim Hoffa: Union bosses like this do not have your best interests at heart. What they care about is their own power and re-electing their friend Barack Obama so he will take care […]

‘Fired Up’ for Palin?

One of the great things about being both a blogger and a journalist is the opportunity to recycle what I’ve previously blogged for a different readership, as in my Tuesday column for The American Spectator: The dismissive sneers of Palin’s detractors were, quite literally, front-page news in the local press. “You tend to get a sense […]

Fear and Loathing in Manchester: Palin Offers No Sympathy for the Media Devil

The Right Scoop has full video of Sarah Palin’s speech today in Manchester, N.H., and if nothing else, Palin is driving political reporters nuts. At one point during the speech, she referenced the media “ignoring the fact” that the Tea Party movement was a decisive force in last year’s mid-term elections. Her remark clearly irritated […]


MANCHESTER, N.H. UPDATE: Here’s a shot where you can see the crowd size (click to enlarge): My rough eyeball estimate was about 800 people. There were lots of chants of “Run, Sarah, run!” BTW, this photo nearly got me the bum’s rush from security. I went up the stair backstage to get the photo and […]

Palin’s Pressure on Perry

Writing about yesterday’s Sarah Palin rally in Iowa, I mentioned the theory that “Palin may enter the 2012 field because of her dissatisfaction with Perry’s campaign.” I resisted the temptation to examine the theory at length, because I wanted to discuss something I’d seen earlier — Dan Riehl’s discussion of the Palin-Perry issue: For her […]

Remember: The Left Banks On At Least Two Things

by Smitty Those two things being: The public has no recollection of history before the previous news cycle, and The public has no patience. I, for one, see a great deal of wisdom in Sarah’s non-approach to toying with the notion of a Presidential campaign. She’s basically doing a Second Mover play. What is striking, […]

People Who Like Sarah Palin Liked Her Iowa Speech; Ace of Spades, Not So Much

Sarah Palin gave her big speech in Indianola while I was at lunch today with Da Tech Guy. However, I got a sort of live feed on the event via a series of text messages from Tea Party activist Tiffiny Ruegner. “No doubt she’s campaigning,” Tiffiny texted, and at the end: “Finished. Didn’t announce. . . […]

Fear and Loathing at Union Station

UNION STATION, Washington, D.C. My son-in-law dropped me off here about 1 a.m. My train leaves at 3:15 a.m.  So I’ve got a few minutes to do a quick blog post before I board the train and head off to Worcester and thence to New Hampshire. We’re trying to get Dan Collins of Piece of […]

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