The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Maj. Gen. Earl Van Dorn, 1820-1863

“A man whose willful violation of social rights led him to such an inglorious end.” — Maj. Gen. S.J.R. Liddell, C.S.A., commenting on the death of Van Dorn History teaches few lessons more useful than the tale of a great soldier, praised for his daring courage, the survivor of many a fearsome battle, who died […]

‘This Crazy Blogger, Stacy McCain’

Crazy blogger at Baltimore-Washington International Airport, Sept. 13, 2011 Dave Weigel quotes Creepy Joe: Joe McGinniss is no longer surprised at the hate engendered by his new biography, The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin. “Did you see this crazy blogger, Stacy McCain, saying he’s starting a legal fund for Todd Palin?” he asks. […]

How Much Does Glenn Beck Pay Brian Sack to Make Tasteless Sarah Palin Jokes?

Image from GBTV “Regardless what you think of her, this rumor stuff is getting absolutely ridiculous. I don’t believe Sarah Palin slept with Glenn Rice, and this rumor-mongering is unfair to her kids — Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper, Trig and Dunky. Now, according to the book, it was a one-night stand. It was supposed to […]

Barry Manilow, Paulista

Maybe he’s the one who’s been trolling the comments at Hot Air: “I like him. I like what he says, I do. I like what he says. I think he’s solid,” said Manilow, who confirmed to TheDC in an interview at the Capitol on Thursday that he contributed to Paul’s last campaign for president. “I […]

Todd Palin Defense Fund Update

While I am grateful for the enthusiastic response to my suggestion that Sarah Palin’s supporters donate to create a legal defense fund for her husband, some of the commenters seem to be under the impression that I’m joking about this. But you see, as a veteran of 25 years in the news business, I understand the […]

The Todd Palin Legal Defense Fund

Todd Palin helps his wife sign autographs after her Sept. 5 rally in Manchester, N.H. (Photo by Peter Ingemi.) A source who doesn’t need to hide behind a cloak of anonymity: “This is a man who has been relentlessly stalking my family to the point of moving in right next door to us to harass […]

Somebody’s Taking My Advice?

One hesitates to presume influence, especially when what one advises is just common-sense stuff that seems obvious. So yesterday I wrote that Republicans should “relentelessly expose the Solyndra scandal” and added: GOP presidential candidates can help maximize the impact of exposure by making Solyndra the focus of their attacks on the incumbent’s policy agenda. We […]

The Recklessness of Joe McGinniss

Having already discussed his unspeakably vile “Jungle Fever” smear on Sarah Palin, now we learn — via Ace of Spades — that McGinniss expended considerable effort pursuing a story that depicted her father Chuck Heath as having created “a lynch mob mentality.” Rob Port at Say Anything was contacted by McGinniss because Port’s father was […]

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