The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Discovery Is a Bitch,’ as They Say, and Doug Mataconis Is …

. . . well, he’s badly mistaken, in my opinion, because if I called him an “obnoxious a–hole,” he might sic his lawyers on me. Truth is the ultimate defense in such cases, of course, but his apparent prejudice against Sarah Palin seems to be clouding his judgment. Now, let’s count the weasel words: “in […]

Not a ‘Threat’: Palin Lawyer Gives McGinniss, Random House Legal Notice

This headline at ABC News is misleading: Sarah Palin Threatens to Sue ‘Rogue’ Book Publisher It is misleading, because there is no “threat” in the letter. Rather, as Governor Palin’s lawyer John Tiemessen clearly states, the legal prerequisite for a defamation suit under Alaska law: “[S]ince both your company, and the author, clearly knew the statements were […]

Sarah Palin and Ado Annie

Yesterday, Turner Classic Movies showed the 1955 Rogers & Hammerstein musical Oklahoma, which is why Ado Annie came to mind when I read this item at ABC News: It’s an exciting week in politics because this is the week Sarah Palin will tell the world her 2012 intentions. Or not. At least that’s what she […]

Best Wishes To Niall And Ayaan

by Smitty (via Libertarian Republican) Never usually one to do anything without great fanfare, Niall Ferguson, the bombastic television historian, has quietly married Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the former Dutch MP, who lives under a fatwa after writing the screenplay for Submission, a film critical of Islam. What a courageous lady. I read Nomad, which showed […]

Cain Rebuts Freeman’s Raaaaacism

by Smitty (via Lucianne) The New York Daily News has the story: The Republican presidential candidate called the Oscar-winning actor’s eyebrow-raising remarks “short-sighted” on Friday. “Most of the people that are criticizing the Tea Partiers about having a racist element, they have never been to a Tea Party,” Cain told Fox News. Freeman, who endorsed […]

The Joe McGinniss Method

Big Government has a statement from Sarah Palin’s brother, Chuck Heath Jr., in which he calls Joe McGinniss’s book as “one lie after another.” What intrigued me was Heath’s description of how McGinniss “included in his book comments falsely attributed to me by one of his unnamed sources” and didn’t even ask Heath if he’d actually […]

OMG! Hollywood Liberal to Bristol Palin: ‘Your Mother’s a Whore. She’s the Devil.’ UPDATE: Gay Trig-Truther Loves Levi UPDATE: Heckler Says He’s ‘Ashamed’; Also: Is Bristol Really a ‘Homophobe’?

Oh, the wonderful Civility™ of liberals! Bristol Palin went to a cowboy-themed restaurant/bar in West Hollywood, where she rode a mechanical bull while a reality-show camera crew shot video. Some guy at the bar shouted: “Did you ride Levi like that? Your mother’s a whore!” And when someone asked him, “What was that about?” the […]

Can We Get ‘Zo To Do An Interview With Morgan Freeman?

by Smitty It is really, really tiring to hear the likes of Morgan Freeman trot out hackneyed tropes about Tea Parties and raaaaacism. “Their stated policy, publicly stated, is to do whatever it takes to see to it that Obama only serves one term,” the actor said. “What’s, what does that, what underlines that? ‘Screw […]

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