The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Top Rubio Staffer Reportedly Pushed for Early Florida Primary to Help Romney

* * * UPDATE OCT. 14 * * * Marco Rubio Denies His Office Influenced Florida Primary Date PREVIOUSLY (OCT. 13) * * * EXCLUSIVE * * * When Florida defied Republican National Committee rules to move the state’s 2012 presidential primary from an RNC-approved March date to Jan. 31, conservatives immediately suspected that state […]

What Cynthia Said

by Smitty OK, I don’t necessarily agree with the presumption that BHO attains re-election: With regard to Gov. Palin, I do hope she sets her sights on running for president in 2016 to succeed Obama. When Gov. Palin spoke on Sept. 3 to a Tea Party audience in Indianola, Iowa, she laid out the most […]


Rejection is painful, and I’m sure that Sarah Palin’s supporters blame themselves for her decision not to run. But don’t blame yourself and don’t blame Sarah — it was all my fault. Mea culpa. Mea magna culpa. Don’t ask why or how I was personally responsible for Sarah Palin not running for president. Don’t torture […]


Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin broke the news that she will not be a candidate in 2012 on Mark Levin’s nationally syndicated radio show, Jeffrey Lord at The American Spectator reports: Palin acknowledged the disappointment of her supporters (Matt Drudge  e-mailed to say it was a “sad day”) but said the decision had been reached […]

What She Said, and What I Said

“While the Post tries to impose an old narrative on Perry and squeeze blood from a stone, the reality is that Perry has gone out of his way to pander to left-wing impulses on race. “This is the guy that has disparaged his own base as racist in two separate GOP debates. “Remember? . . […]

‘She Quoted a Witness With the Improbable Name of Sarah Rumpf’

Sunshine State Sarah finds herself quoted by Dana Loesch — and cited by Keith Olbermann in naming Dana “Worst Person in the World”: Notice how Olbermann first mocks Loesch’s name before mocking Rumpf’s name. The mocking of people’s names is a cheap sort of humor (says the guy whose blog is improbably called “The Other […]

Prediction Update: Your Next Six Weeks

by Smitty Back in July, before Solyndra, I ‘boldly’ predicted that BHO wouldn’t complete the term, or run for re-election, for that matter. Now, watch the near-term future unfold. As the USS Obama capsizes and works on its submarine impression, the Left, casting about for someone, anyone, who is both reliable, in the sense that […]

No, Sarah Palin Did Not Call Herman Cain ‘Herb’ and Did Not Put Him Down
UPDATE: Why Doesn’t the Fox News Transcript Match the Politico Video?

Somebody told me that Herman Cain was asked about this on CBS News and said Governor Palin was “wrong,” evidently based on media reports. But let’s go to the transcript, shall we? VAN SUSTEREN: How does, though, a politician, though, connect with the people and get it across so it doesn’t just sound like more […]

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