The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

David Lee Roth Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love, But Thomas Sowell Is, To Profound Effect

by Smitty (via The Corner) Click to view what is truly an excellent dialogue, and one worth sharing with all those who have ears. If the guy wasn’t 814 years old [ed: first day, new ears], we should have to press gang him into the presidency. And you can’t write that sort of title without […]

In Single Guy News, Slightly Tarnished Armenian Gal With A 72-Day Definition Of ‘Forever’ May Be Available

by Smitty Just a Conservative Girl quotes Her Kimness: After careful consideration, I have decided to end my marriage. I hope everyone understands this was not an easy decision. I had hoped this marriage was forever, but sometimes things don’t work out as planned. We remain friends and wish each other the best. In all […]

Romney Secures McCain Endorsement

by Smitty That’s right, Stacy’s cousin Meghan endorsed Bruce CampbellMitt Romney, as reported by the Lonely Conservative. Maggy also, apparently, chilled out in Zuccotti Park with the #OWS crowd. Ah, the Progressive pride parade. Just don’t call her Green, m’kay? She’ll think that means you’re calling her an airhead, or something. Update: linked by Nice […]

At Least He Didn’t Break a Hip

“Steven Tyler smashed his face during a “nasty fall” in a hotel shower … knocking out several teeth … this according to multiple reports out of Paraguay.” That’s got to be embarrassing. Like being left off the BlogCon agenda. I need something to cheer me up. Like Lindsay Lohan nude.

George Will Plays the Dukakis Card on an Unsuspecting Romney

by Smitty “It has a lot to do with Romney. He is rising as more and more Republicans come to the conclusion that the Republican Party has found its Michael Dukakis, a technocratic Massachusetts governor running on competence, not ideology.” I’m looking at the National Debt Clock and wondering just What. The. Flippy-flop. George Will […]

Is Anyone Slimier Than Bill Maher?

“If you just presented the Republicans with Obama’s resume and didn’t say who it was, they would erect statues to this guy. He killed bin Laden, he killed Gaddafi, he saved us from a depression. I mean all, just, just the killing alone, Michelle Malkin would name her vibrator ‘Obama.’” — Bill Maher, Oct. 21, […]

Gasp: Sean Penn Is Onto Our Plan!

Not an Onion parody: Left-wing actor Sean Penn slimed the Tea Party as motivated by racism, charging on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight on Friday evening that an impediment to President Obama’s success is “what I call the ‘Get the N-word out of the White House party,’ the Tea Party.” At a time when Herman Cain […]

‘One of the Perks of Being a Guy’

Having been busy lately planning for our trip to Vegas for Tuesday’s big debate, I confess to having fallen behind in my job of keeping readers up-to-date on other important developments unrelated to the GOP presidential primary campaign. Thanks to James Tararanto of the Wall Street Journal, however, we have this Breaking News Update from the Vancouver Sun: “Being able […]

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