The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Naked Scarlett Johansson: ‘It Would Be Irresponsible’ Not to Support Obama

A story I missed: Somebody hacked her cell phone and got hold of naked photos Johansson had taken of herself and sent to her (now ex-)husband Ryan Reynolds. I only learned about this yesterday because I glanced at a headline linked on the sidebar of an article and (the mind plays funny tricks) got the idea […]

Was That Megan McArdle Or Meghan McCain?

by Smitty Nonetheless, I confess, I like Barney Frank. I also think that, whatever his mistakes, he’s pretty knowledgeable about finance. And you need only look at the committee list to see that it could have been so, so much worse. Well, garsh, guys: the leukemia death was way better than straight decapitation. Barney Frank; Maxine […]

Hoffman at The College Conservative Misses the Genius of Meghan McCain

by Smitty And by misses I mean thoroughly rejects (emphasis original): Moreover, the “brilliant” Meghan McCain — daughter of “Lord of the TARP” John McCain — has taken every opportunity to deride conservative women and social issues. McCain said, “I consider myself a progressive Republican. I am liberal on social issues. And I think that […]

UPDATED With The Video: ‘Sarah Palin Reconsider’ Ad In Iowa: Windmill Jousting, Doolittle Raid, Both?

by Smitty via Surber, here is the ad: He says: My take on it is simple: If she is on the ballot in the West Virginia primary in May, I shall vote for her. She is my first choice. I’m even simpler: I’ll write the lady in, if possible. A lot of people, like Teach […]

Born That Way: The Strange Sisterhood Of Meggie Mac And San Fran Nan

— by Wombat-socho Young Miss McCain is in the news again, pouting that Newt isn’t taking her seriously. This is just common sense on the former speaker’s part. No Republican, much less conservative, with two functional brain cells regards the daughter of Stacy’s Crazy Cousin John as anything but an object for derision and mockery. […]

Also Without A Sense Of Irony

by Smitty Without comment: More at HillBuzz.

The Tea Party Budget

by Smitty For a printout and a quick glance, The Tea Party Budget scoops Congress in general and the Stupor Committee in particular. Sure, #OccupyResoluteDesk, as well. To achieve these goals, our plan, among other things: Repeals ObamaCare in toto. Eliminates four Cabinet agencies — Energy, Education, Commerce, and HUD — and reduces or privatizes many […]

Greta Scooped Me, But That’s OK

Greta Van Sustern’s exclusive interview with Gloria Cain is, on the one hand, great news for the Cain campaign, but on the other hand, an indication that Cain’s campaign team views as less influential than Greta. Months of Cain coverage did not earn me that scoop? I’m hurt. But I understand: If I’m not good enough for […]

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