The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Glenn Beck’s Big Announcement: Restoring Love, 26-28 July, 2012

by Smitty What is Restoring Love? Restoring Love will be a reminder that we best serve our God when we serve each other. It is a reminder that capitalism is not about who can make the most money and that charity is not just about giving handouts, but must include a hand-up. Restoring Love will […]

SANTORUM’S SURGE: Tells Palin Supporters, ‘I’m Your Guy’

Here is Rick Santorum talking to Stephen K. Bannon, producer of the Sarah Palin documentary The Undefeated, about Palin’s praise for Santorum last week: If some of our readers would care to transcribe this interview in the comments, I’d appreciate it.

Rush Nails It On The Craven GOP

by Smitty Rush Limbaugh went ballistic about both the Obama 06Dec speech, and the corresponding spinelessness of the GOP in refusing to attack #OccupyResoluteDesk. Of local note is the Timmy Kaine run for Senate. Face it: rather than gearing up for the next concession speech in 2012, the GOP needs to take this class warfare […]

Rick Santorum: Praise by Sarah Palin ‘Absolutely Critical’ to His Money Surge

When Sarah Palin singled out Rick Santorum for praise last week during her appearance on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program, she got a lot of people’s attention. Danny Yadron of the Wall Street Journal and Kathryn Jean Lopez of National Review took notice, as did America’s leading practicioner of Neutral Objective Journalism. Far more important, however, […]

Glenn Beck, American At Large

by Smitty Along with Limbaugh, Beck is going to be remembered as one of the voices that helped turn this country around. His audience draw actually got may parents to buy an interface and subscribe to GBTV, a miracle that could only be topped by Stacy McCain installing TweetDeck. While busy with all precocious ~17 […]

Santorum Praised by Sarah Palin on Fox; Endorsed by Key Iowa Evangelical Pastor

Has the fight for the Republican 2012 presidential nomination already become a two-man race between Mitt Romney versus Newt Gingrich? Not according to Sarah Palin, who singled out former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum for praise during her appearance Thursday night on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show. “There is still a lot of fluid dynamic going […]

“Lack Of A Coalition. . .Is Nature’s Way Of Saying Something’s Wrong”

by Smitty I don’t know if Quigley’s sad little attempt at divide-and-conquer in The Hill is worth a RTWT, but these lines are a hoot: Because right now the hard-hat Republican base has commandeered the party. It retreats to a degenerative state and doesn’t have a chance against President Obama. The varying support and lack […]

The ‘Sarah Palin Reconsider’ Clip

by Smitty Via Michelle Malkin, here is the mighty Sarah Palin ad, which appears to have been uploaded on 22 November. I am sure that Ladd Ehlinger could have done something with a bit more zip to it. This appears to be a straight up the middle play. On the one hand, this egalitarian statement […]

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