The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Palin Endorses Newt. Todd Palin

by Smitty What an interesting twist, via O.P. Ditch on Facebook, and ABC: But Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and John McCain’s 2008 Republican running mate, has yet to decide “who is best able to go up against Barack Obama,” Todd Palin said. Palin said he has not spoken to Gingrich or anyone from […]

Media Mayhem in the Granite State

HOLLIS, N.H. Saturday night in Manchester was a total media schmoozefest, and I had the opportunity to talk to Mickey Kaus, whose re-Tweet by Alyssa Milano inspired my own long quest for a similar honor. (“They Said It Couldn’t Be Done …”) Just returned from a Ron Paul event here, the start of a long […]

Bitter Fruits of a Bitter Seed: Envy, Feminism, Maureen and Meghan

HOLLIS, N.H. Time constraints have improved my ability to ignore Maureen Dowd. Many months now often elapse between my ever bothering to notice anything she’s written. Today, however, Pete Da Tech Guy called my attention to Ms. Dowd’s unseemly assault on Rick Santorum’s family. And then Pete sat down and wrote a rather stunning contrast […]

Greetings From the Granite State!

MANCHESTER, N.H. My flight arrived late at Boston’s Logan Airport, and I ought to demand a refund from AirTran because their advertised in-flight WiFi service was out of order, which no one seemed to notice until the passenger in Seat 30D — that would be me — asked the flight attendant about it. Of course, […]

You Can’t Outlaw Beclownment

by Smitty No, no, no: Legislation introduced to the Indiana Senate would make it a crime to stray from approved lyrical or melodic guidelines while performing the national anthem at any event sponsored by public schools and state universities. The bill was proposed by Sen. Vaneta Becker (R). She told The Indianapolis Star that it […]

Newt Throws A Hail Sarah Pass?

by Smitty CBS News: Newt Gingrich, plunging in the polls, dropped this bomb Wednesday: he would consider asking Sarah Palin to serve as his number two or in his Cabinet if he became president. “She is certainly one of the people you would look at,” Gingrich said Wednesday, according to Right Wing Watch, when asked […]

You’ve Got To Hand It To The Fetus

by Smitty Congratulations to Rachel Uchitel on the blessed event thought to be happening in April. Contrary to TMZ, this is a baby. We must fight the politically correct call to de-humanize our offspring by using alien terms like ‘fetus’. This blog wishes a healthy pregnancy and a happy life to the little girl. May […]

Ed Driscoll Missed One: Introducing The New Lefty Craze ‘M-bowing’

by Smitty First, there was Obama’s bowing, and then Tebowing, and now M-bowing (Mao-bowing?), with the arms forming the outsides of the character, with the middle V described by the outline of the leg. The left leg. This new body language is suitable for an #Occupy mike check near you. Try not to bite your […]

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