The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

We Forgive You, Foster Friess

Ali Akbar, Foster Friess and Robert Stacy McCain at CPAC 2012 The joke about aspirin as a contraceptive — just hold it between your knees, ladies — was probably first told by Phyllis Diller on “The Tonight Show” back when Jack Paar was still hosting. Those of us old enough to remember it were surprised […]

Let’s Talk About Sex, Professor

Professor Glenn Reynolds talks a lot about sex, but he’s actually thinking about politics: I’m not much of a Santorum fan — to me, he seems like Mike Huckabee without the charm or political talent — but it’s hard not to notice the narrative jiu-jitsu here. The “narrative jiu-jitsu” involves something I explained yesterday: It is actually […]

Does It Make Eastwood A Bigger Chump Than Griffith, Though?

by Smitty The Hollywood Reporter tells us that, while Clint himself may not work for Mr. Obama, his collaborators on his Super Bowl pep talk did. I thought the ad was actually well done, except for the lack of context, as private sector unions are substantially at fault for Michigan’s plight. It turns out, however, that […]

Thomas Sowell On Why Romney Actually Doesn’t Care Fig #1 About The Poor

by Smitty Sowell: Mitt Romney has come out in support of indexing the minimum wage law, to have it rise automatically to keep pace with inflation. To many people, that would seem like a small thing that can be left for economists or statisticians to deal with. But to people who call themselves conservatives, and […]

Geriatric Halftime Show

‘Gaze upon my cosmic crotch in awe, earthlings!’ Let me be clear: I never cared much for Madonna’s épater le bourgeois act when she was still considered the hottest thing in show business, dating Sean Penn and making headlines with her various “what-will-she-do-next” stunts. Judged strictly as a musical act, I thought she peaked with […]

Florida Conservative to Limbaugh: ‘I Don’t Think That I’ve Ever Been Accused of Being an Establishment Republican!’

As I said this morning, everybody’s gone crazy, and it seems that even Rush Limbaugh drank the kooky Kool-Aid, inspiring a paranoid outburst that Florida state Rep. Scott Plakon felt obliged to correct: As a longtime fan and admirer of Rush Limbaugh, I was disappointed to hear his comments regarding the work of the Congressional […]

Will Donald Trump’s Hair Style Challenge That Of Willard Mitt?

by Smitty Oh, bring it, Donald; I, for one, contend there is insufficient buffoonery in American politics today. If any can mitigate the excess of ‘sobriety’, it’s you: I will be making a major announcement tomorrow (Thursday, February 2) at 12:30 pm at Trump International Hotel & Tower, Las Vegas, Nevada Actually, given that I’m […]

UPDATE: Newt’s Populist Turn

FORT MYERS, Fla. 6:51 p.m. ET: During his speech today at Page Field, Newt Gingrich spun a conspiratorial view of the opposition to him, saying that Mitt Romney’s campaign is using “recycled” bailout money to attack him. Saying that Goldman Sachs chose Barack Obama in 2008, Gingrich said the giant Wall Street bank — using […]

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