The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Right-Winger Provoking ‘Insane’ ‘Racist’ Tea Party Violence … by Chris Rock?

“When Celebrities Attack,” starring Jason Mattera: Ed Morrissey has a point: Even if you think “ambush” interviews are unfair, shouldn’t it be obvious that attacking the camera is a bad idea? Welcome to the Bob Etheridge School of Media Relations!  

Blogger Shocked — Shocked! — to Learn That John McCain Would Employ Backstabbing GOP Campaign Operative

Of course, John McCain is a man who has long cherished backstabbing as a fundamental principle of his political career, and yet R.D. Brewer at Ace of Spades HQ is nonetheless surprised by the perverse pride that the McCain campaign’s “chief strategist” Steve Schmidt takes in having helped destroy the GOP’s chances in 2008: “For […]

What America Really Needs Today: Meghan McCain Talking About Her Boobs

There are many important news stories I could be blogging about today. The latest polls show a statistical dead heat in the Alabama and Mississippi GOP presidential primaries. Greece has officially defaulted on its debt. Israel has reportedly delayed a military strike on Iran. My ego tells me that there are thousands of readers checking their RSS […]

Podhoretz Writes a Powerful Paragraph

Actually, he writes far more than a paragraph, but he really brings home his point in this one: Yes, if ever you wanted circumstantial evidence that the sources within the McCain campaign who spent October 2008 dumping on Palin anonymously might have included [Nicolle] Wallace and [Steve] Schmidt, you need look no further than HBO’s […]

‘This Is All About Alinskyite Control Of Who Tells The Story’

by Smitty Michelle Malkin in fine form on Hannity: The success of all of this agitprop from the Left is predicated upon far firmer control of the media than they enjoy. Now you’ve got a smear flick against Sarah Palin which says more about what a sad pack of jackwagons made the flick than it […]

Illegal ‘Women of the 99%’ Robo-Call Targets Rush Limbaugh in Illinois

Citing a report by the U.K. Daily Mail, Illinois Review writes: Illegal robocalls have been hitting voters’ phones in Rep. Judy Biggert’s 13th CD, Rep. Tim Johnson’s 15th CD and Rep. Bobby Schilling’s 17th CD this week, UK’s Daily Mail reports. The robocalls tell callers to contact the U.S. Reps’ offices and ask them to […]

Palin Helps Romney Win Alaska

WASHINGTON, Pennsylvania Mitt Romney has a powerful ally in his effort to win the Republican nomination: Sarah Palin, who told a Fox News reporter last night that she voted for Newt Gingrich. Gingrich got 1,834 votes in the Alaska caucuses, giving the former House Speaker 14.2% of the vote, good for a fourth-place finish behind […]

If You Think Mitt Romney Is ‘Electable’ …

. . . just wait. Maybe you’re right. But if you’re right, why are liberals so eager to have Romney as the Republican nominee? Maybe you think George Stephanopoulos is stupid? Rick Santorum will hold a party tonight in Steubenville, Ohio, which he and his supporters hope will be a “Super Tuesday” victory celebration. Yet […]

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