The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Corpse Of Trayvon Martin Has Lost Propaganda Value; Fortunately, Sandra Fluke Still Has A Pulse

by Smitty One nearly can empathize with the poor Lefties, seeing that the Trayvon Martin tragedy is moving from simple tragedy to propaganda farce. In the (gang)green spirit of recycling, then, we have Hillary telling Andrea Mitchell; Today, Hillary Clinton told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell in a pre-taped interview that Rush Limbaugh’s comments about Sandra Fluke […]

‘A Portrait of a Dysfunctional Alliance That Was Doomed From the Start’

Thus does Howard Kurtz describe the e-mails between Current TV and its recently fired superstar, Keith Olbermann: The arguments escalated for months, with Olbermann directly appealing to the former vice president on three or four occasions, until relations had become so poisoned that, on Friday, Current fired Olbermann for breach of contract. He has vowed […]

Olbermann’s Career: The First Time as Tragedy, the Second Time as Farce

Huffy self-righteous liberalism is not a rare commodity, and the supply greatly exceeds the demand, so Keith Olbermann’s belief that he had cornered the market on progressive bombast was bound to lead him to a sorry end sooner or later: For nearly a year now, Al Gore and Joel Hyatt have been building their liberal cable news […]

Spilled Milk and Misplaced Anger: Political Psychotherapy Session

Newt Gingrich in Fort Myers, Florida, Monday, Jan. 30, 2012 “Somebody in the Newt camp tossed an ‘internal memo’ over the fence to Matt Lewis. Long story short, they’re lowering expectations in Florida. And as I pointed out in my American Spectator column, second place in Florida is worthless — it’s winner-take-all. Team Gingrich just […]

Angelica Houston Revelation/Prophecy?

by Smitty Emphasis mine, via Breitbart: “What has happened, that we are fighting again for reproductive rights?” wonders Rosie O’Donnell, filling-in for Piers Morgan. “And how did guys get to be the ones to solely discuss it?” responds Angelica Huston. So, wait: Reproductive rights are solely discussed by guys. Houston and O’Donnell are discussing reproductive […]

Sarah Palin’s Secret Plot To Capture The White House In 2012?

by Smitty One is tempted to wonder if the Left wasn’t more disappointed than the Right by Sarah Palin’s demurring from diving into the nomination meat grinder. Geoffrey Dunn, at the Puffington Host: Anyone who has watched Sarah Palin closely in recent months can only marvel at the “magical thinking” she embraces with respect to […]

Asking the Important Questions: Why Does Gillian Anderson Want Me to Blog About Her Teenage Lesbian Affairs?

Yes, it’s been a week since my last Instalanche and, while I sincerely doubt that Professor Glenn Reynolds would want to encourage such absolutely shameless link-baiting, I’m otherwise mystified as to why any attractive celebrity would make this kind of confession: Gillian Anderson, the actress best known for playing agent Dana Scully on ”The X-Files,” has admitted […]

Please: Hurt Karen Finney Some More

Before we get around to explaining how you can hurt MSNBC analyst Karen Finney, we must ask: Why does Michelle Malkin hate women? That’s right: Michelle Malkin’s Twitchy is advertising on the Hateful Misognystic Rush Limbaugh Show, so obviously, she hates women. Perhaps it is not a coincidence, therefore, that it was via an item at Twitchy […]

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