The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ashley Judd Makes Cruel and Tasteless Jokes About Abortion in Political Video

Barren middle-aged actress Ashley Judd in scene from ‘Rick Santorum Aborts Presidential Campaign’ video When last we heard from bitter, childless, menopausal Ashley Judd, the over-the-hill ex-starlet gave us a feminist lecture about how she was being victimized by the oppressive gossip-blog patriarchy. Last week, however, Judd joined forces with three more attractive actresses — fellow […]

Annapolis Immortality

by Smitty If you can’t be the first American Nobel laureate, then putting a lip lock on Katy Perry is another way to do it: I myself was almost nearly kind of a little bit famous for making the upper three-quarters of my class at Sing Sing on the Severn possible. via Breitbart

‘Some Right-Wing Gloating About It’

Blame Instapundit for this one: He linked a Daily Beast item about Linda Lovelace and the 40th anniversary of Deep Throat, and while at the site, I saw a sidebar article with this headline: Melissa Etheridge’s Hideous Breakup What? I’d missed this news: Evidently, the rock guitarist’s lesbian divorce turned nasty and Daily Beast columnist Tricia […]

Simon Cowell’s Raaaaacist Toilet Paper

by Smitty Update: the comments say that The Blaze link may have something dodgy about it. I have enough filtration stuff going under Chrome that I don’t get hit, but you are warned. This story really piles dumb on dumb, but there is an interesting point. First, black toilet paper: Really, Cowell himself doesn’t matter, […]

When Liberals Tell the Truth

It’s usually not pretty. Tim Graham at Newbusters catches a DKos diarist telling the truth about what liberals think of babies: “Sasharusha” blogs “back to the whole fetus= parasite thing. That is how I see them. I don’t see them as cute and cuddly. I see them as terrifying and scary. I see pregnancy the […]

What I Needed Today …

. . . was a plausible excuse to run a picture of smokin’ hot Israeli supermodel Bar Rafaeli taking off her bikini top.

Aww, Shucks, Ma’am, ‘Tweren’t Nothin’ …

After yesterday’s post about Jennifer Stefano, Bob Beckel’s F-bomb and Neal Boortz’s “rabid shrew” comments, the ladies at AFP Pennsylvania hail me as a “BeckelGate Hero.” If a blog could blush . . . UPDATE: She shares her side of the story: What I want people to take away from my exchange with Bob Beckel […]

Narrative Arc: Second-Guessing Palin, Santorum’s Story and Romney’s Doom

Sarah Palin speaks in Manchester, N.H., Sept. 5, 2011 Yesterday, Ross Douthat engaged in a “counterfactual” what-if about the 2012 primary campaign: Could Sarah Palin have won? Speculation unmoored from actual facts is one of those games intellectuals love to play. It’s light work for brainy people to imagine what might have been in an […]

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