The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

E-Mails Expose MSNBC Host’s Involvement in #StopRush Boycott

Krystal Ball will co-host MSNBC’s new show ‘The Cycle’ starting Monday. FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION MSNBC host Krystal Ball was in close communication with leaders of an online boycott aimed at advertisers on Rush Limbaugh’s popular radio show, e-mails between the boycott leaders indicate. Attempting to discover the identity of an infiltrator in their group, the […]

Recording: Leader of Anti-Limbaugh Effort Brags About Obama Campaign Ties

The head of a boycott effort aimed at radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh boasted in a conference call of his ties to Organizing for American (OFA), President Obama’s re-election campaign. “Randy, I can pick up the phone and call the director of OFA, can you?” Matt Edelstein said during the phone call, berating a Texas […]

Reading Meghan So You Don’t Have To

— by Wombat-socho The right half of the blogosphere owes an enormous debt of gratitude to Betsy Woodruff, William F. Buckley Fellow at the National Review Institute, for she has done something few of us would have the courage to do. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, for our sake Ms. Woodruff took upon herself the vile, […]

Maher Veers In The Direction Of Coherence While Contrasting #Occupy With Tea Party

by Smitty (via Breitbart) Potty mouth alert. Maher cannot communicate a point without an F-bomb. He correctly grasps that, in terms of tangible results, #OccupyWallStreet is indistinguishable from the World’s Youngest Blogger’s #OccupyDiaper parody routine. But he is incapable of grasping that the Tea Parties did things The Right Way. In supporting liberty, in adhering […]

Meghan, You Ignorant Slut

“Last week, I went on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show PoliticsNation to talk about extremism in the Republican Party. As a socially liberal Republican, this happens to be a topic I know a lot about. On the show, I told Sharpton that many Republicans treat me like a freak, especially the extreme-right members of my party. […]

S.E. Cupp Photoshop Was Foul; What About Roseanne’s Glasses?

by Smitty This blog was distracted by the #BrettKimberlin story and caring for a 10-month-old, respectively. So we’re just catching up with Really Important Things, like the tawdry attack on S.E. Cupp in Hustler. As if Newsweek needed any more pornographic ideas for its covers. Green Party presidential hopeful and all around ignis obscurus Roseann […]

Kimberlin v. Walker Hearing Scheduled: 8:30 a.m. Tuesday in Rockville, Maryland

When terrorist Brett Kimberlin was convicted of multiple felonies in 1981, he could have been sentenced to 230 years in federal prison. Convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin’s failed attempt to silence bloggers who tell the truth about Kimberlin’s criminality will be the subject of a court hearing Tuesday morning in Montgomery County, Maryland. Kimberlin, who in 1981 […]

Wake Up Meghan McCain, I Think I’ve Got Something To Say To You

by Smitty We’ll let the Rod Stewart reference die at the title, but really, Meghan: The moderate Republicans, like you and the notorious Brooks, are precisely the reason that Constitutional conservativism has taken so long to re-assert itself. You see, Maggie, you can’t make peace with what is wrong in the name of ‘moderation’.  In […]

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