The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Does Anybody Think @BillMaher Is Funny?

I mean, besides Bill Maher: I keep hearing Ryan as teen drove the weinermobile – it sounds like a euphemism 4 gay While gay-baiting Paul Ryan, Maher also engages in racial stereotyping of President Obama: “In many ways — especially for progressives — [Obama] is too white for them. He plays golf, he’s too cozy with […]

Dave Mustaine: Want A More Outrageous Accusation Than Harry Reid’s?

by Smitty There is some legitimate concern about the White House’s actions in Operation Fast & Furious, which resulted in the death of Brian Terry. In trying to connect the dots between the Obama Administration and the recent spate of gun violence, though, Dave Mustaine is over-achieving. A good-sized chunk of Americans think that this […]

#TwitterGulag and Anonymous Trolls

After I posted about Jimmie Bise Jr.’s “gay slurry” post this morning and Tweeted it to Jimmie’s attention, he was accosted with vile accusations from the Twitter troll @warpublican (aka “Bloody Leftist”), an anonymous supporter of the Occupy movement who has sent nearly 10,000 Tweets but has fewer than 900 followers. This is one of the […]

SWAT an L.A. County Deputy D.A.? That’s Not News. SWAT a Teen Starlet …?

Has the Los Angeles Times ever written about the SWATting of Patrick “Patterico” Frey? Never mind: Miley Cyrus is victim of a “prank”! On Wednesday night, Cyrus was the target of “swatting” — a prank in which an anonymous caller reports a heinous crime to authorities so a SWAT team will swarm an innocent person’s […]

The Jennifer Stefano Summit Will Convene Thursday in Washington, D.C.

Breeding victory: Jennifer Stefano, pregnant in 2010 It’s officially called the “Defending the American Dream” Summit, but I’ve decided to re-name the three-day event that begins Thursday because Jennifer Stefano, who leads the Pennsylvania chapter of Americans for Prosperity (along with her friend Katy Abram) is just so awesome. Here is Stefano on Sean Hannity’s show last week […]

#YouDidntBuildThat But You Still Went There (Sarah Palin Edition)

by Smitty Not exactly a ‘build’ per se, but Sarah Palin has certainly built an enviable reputation as a traditional American. God bless the lady and her family. via Twitchy Update: OK, Daily Pundit: everybody Left of me. 🙂

#SGS12 Hey, Wait a Minute: James O’Keefe Is Smart, But Not a Girl

So how is it that James O’Keefe got invited to speak at Smart Girls Summit this weekend? And as I look down the list of wonderful speakers, I see many other of my friends, including Brandon Darby and Ben Domenech — both are smart, but neither of them is a girl. Ann Marie Buerkle, Dana Loesch, […]

Hot Air Hires Mary Katharine Ham Too Late to Prevent My ‘SkirtGate’ Debacle

If I had any sense, I would let this news pass without comment, but if I had any sense I never would have started blogging in the first place, eh? An appetite for risk, however, is one of those reckless habits that endear me to my friends, even those friends who fear to associate too […]

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