The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Maybe We Should Send Charlie Sheen to the University of Maryland

Charlie Sheen was on stage at the opening of his new bar in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, when he he asked the crowd, “How we doing?” The crowd gave a small cheer — not good enough for Sheen, who then said, “Lying bunch of faggot assholes! How we doing?” Unfortunately your browser does not support […]

NSFW Video Gives It Back To Hollywood For ‘Demand A Plan’ To Grab Guns

by Smitty Apparently our sanctimonious betters in Hollyweird put out Yet. Another. Hypocritical. Ad. demanding a plan to DO SOMETHING. That something apparently involves stripping Constitutional rights from innocents as a sacrifice to an as-yet-unidentified God Who Prevents Bad Things. I guess. The video makes the point well, splicing the smarmy, overpaid buffoons with footage […]

Credit Where Credit Is Due: Breitbart, Beck and the Dana Loesch Lawsuit

Back in the Day: Andrew Breitbart was a guest on Glenn Beck’s Fox News show In April 2011, Matthew Boyle of the Daily Caller reported that Glenn Beck had been accused of using bloggers’ content without attribution: Mandy Nagy, a conservative blogger known online as Liberty Chick, spent untold hours last fall creating a chart […]

#Metaphor: Academics Sign Their Own Death Warrants by Defending Loomis

It’s a formula: [Thing you’re angry about] [epithet] [Republican you blame] [obscenity] [heinously violent death wish] #metaphor @jimmiebjr — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) December 19, 2012 For example: “Barbara Walters should be eviscerated by machete-wielding crackheads! #metaphor” — bingo, you’re a tenured Ph.D.@jimmiebjr — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) December 19, 2012 Professor Erik “Head on […]

‘Through a Plate Glass Window’: How Liberal Media De-Legitimize Dissent

Patterico did a post yesterday about the “Accuse the Accusers” strategy that I meant to link and discuss at length, but I didn’t get around to it because new outrages were piling up quicker than I could keep track. In just the past couple of days: Stephen Crowder got sucker-punched in the head by Michigan […]

Naked Celebrity News Update (Or, the Parable of the Prodigal Upskirt)

Because I’m trying not to offend the Pope — he’s on Twitter now, and I’m still hoping to get a “Follow Friday” shout-out — I resisted the temptation to headline this item “Anne Hathaway Upskirt,” although I decided it wouldn’t hurt to use that as the URL. It seems that at this week’s premiere of Les […]

Why Does the IRS Hate Redheaded Celebrities With Large Breasts?

Stop the hate! Add an IRS seizure to the problems taxing Lindsay Lohan. Uncle Sam has taken control of all of the “Liz & Dick” star’s bank accounts in an effort to recover $233,904 in unpaid taxes from 2009 and [2010] and an unspecified amount from 2011, first reported. Well, what’s a young celebrity […]

Kim Kardashian, Alanis Morissette and the Creepiest Pop Trivia Fact Ever

Kim Kardashian went to Bahrain to open a milkshake shop and police used tear gas to disperse a mob of Islamic extremists, one of whom held up a sign proclaiming “‘none of our customs and traditions allow us to receive stars of porn movies.” Meanwhile, singer Alanis Morissette arrived in Israel for a concert in Tel Aviv, […]

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