The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Nobody Really Likes @LenaDunham, and Deep Down Inside She Knows It, Too

“It’s a little fat girl . . . and she keeps taking her clothes off and . . . I don’t want to see that. . . . I learned that this little fat chick writes the show and directs the show and that makes sense to me because she’s such a camera hog that […]

Friday News Dump: D.C. Won’t Prosecute David Gregory’s Clear Violation of Law

District of Columbia Attorney General Irvin Nathan won’t prosecute David Gregory “despite the clarity of the violation of this important law” — the city’s ban on high-capacity magazines — and as Professor Glenn Reynolds says, “you can tell how proud they are of this decision by the fact that it came out on a Friday […]

A Lesson from Lindsay Lohan

Last weekend I remarked that I’ve had several long conversations with Ali Akbar about plans for his Viral Read news site. One of the things I’ve repeatedly stressed is how important it is in the news business to be task-oriented and mission-focused. People must be judged strictly on their ability to get the job done. It […]

Leave Brent Musberger Alone!

Katherine Webb: Not bad to look at, despite attending Auburn. If he needs a Chris Crocker, I’ll step up to defend the ESPN announcer who — while Alabama was dismantling Notre Dame in the BCS game — felt obliged to report the Neutral Objective Facts: “You see that lovely lady there, she does go to […]

‘Learning French,’ IYKWIMAITYD

Valérie Allain as Mireille Belleau in French in Action (1987) “Many have criticized the depiction of Mireille as gratuitously sexist. The camera often lingers on the actress’s chest and bare legs. ‘You’re seeing the videotape through a male gaze,’ said one female teaching assistant who asked not to be identified.” — New York Times, March […]

Tee Hee Hee: Stacy’s Cousin Makes Hawkins’s 20 Most Annoying Libs List

by Smitty I should like to meet Maggie Moo some day to assure her that, while bearing her no personal animosity, this blog finds her ideas emblematic of how jacked up her generation and this country are: 18) Meghan McCain: The GOP and Meghan McCain have the same sort of great love we’ve seen between […]

Kathy Griffin, Andrew Sullivan and Other Desperately Unfunny ‘Faggot’ Jokes

Really, @andersoncooper: I think she kissed your dignity good-bye.… — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) January 1, 2013 BREAKING NEWS: Andrew Sullivan is a risible caricature of overblown pomposity. DEVELOPING … — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) January 2, 2013 Next year, CNN should get Andrew Sullivan to co-host New Year’s Eve with Anderson Cooper and […]

Palin: ‘Conservatives Must Stay Engaged’

by Smitty Best wishes to everyone for a happy New Year! In the coming days there will be a great deal of debate about the goings-on in the political arena and the shenanigans in Washington. Constitutional commonsense conservatives must stay engaged and hold our “leaders” accountable to the voice of average everyday hard working Americans […]

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