Formerly Relevant Celebrity News
You know how there are some people who seem really important or popular for a while, and then their 15 minutes of fame expires? And then, in a desperate bid to recapture their former glory, they engage in some kind of cheap publicity stunt? “Pay attention to me!” Whoa! How did I miss THIS?@meghanmccain and […]
‘Billions and Billions and Billions’: Biden Has No Comment on Fisker Failure
“This is seed money that will return back to the American consumer in billions and billions and billions of dollars of good new jobs.” — Joe Biden, Oct. 27, 2009 “With the help of UAW lobbying efforts for advanced vehicle manufacturing and federal dollars, the plant will become a production facility for Fisker Automotive, a […]
Amanda Marcotte: So Dangerously Crazy, Even Conor Friedersdorf Fears Her Now
Amanda Marcotte: So humorless, it’s hilarious No public controversy involving sex is complete until feminist scold Amanda Marcotte makes a fool of herself, and she’s continually striving for ever-lower nadirs of stupidity. So, a high-school boy in Los Angeles recorded a YouTube video asking famous model/actress Kate Upton to be his prom date. Upton at first […]
‘The Dream Is Dead’
Ashley Judd (D-Puffy Face) So declares Ace of Spades, and connoisseurs of fine sarcasm must join Ace in mourning this tragic news: The much-rumored 2014 campaign by film star Ashley Judd for the Kentucky seat of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell will not happen. No more Puffy Face to mock? No months of endless lunacy as […]
This Will Not End Well for the Donald
So, the Vulgar King of Obnoxiousness decided to throw down on Twitter with Michelle Malkin, and perhaps this reminder is unnecessary: Trump has a rather long history of hostility toward conservatives like Malkin, a New York Times bestselling author and New Media entrepreneur who created the popular Hot Air political blog as well as the […]
CNN: The Godbag Christofascist Network
In case you don’t know who Melissa McEwan is, this 2007 headline by Mary Katharine Ham is an apt summary: Vote for Edwards, Godbag Christofascists! McEwan and her feminist comrade Amanda Marcotte were hired to blog for the Democratic presidential primary campaign of John Edwards in what was, evidently, a bid to chip away at Hillary Clinton’s […]
VIDEO: Dana Loesch on Sequestration
Dana Loesch was a guest on Sean Hannity’s show last night, engaging in the dangerous practice of telling the truth about Obama: “The House was discussing a proposal to give the Presidet the power of the purse, so to speak, and the he could decide where he wanted to cut, if he really did want […]
Sarah Palin, Phillis Schlafly, Mrs. Other Smitty, And #CPAC2013
by Smitty Taking in the afternoon at CPAC, I thought Sarah was rousing, and spot-on in her criticism: While a great example of whipping up the crowd to a froth, the speech sounded a bit Ann Coulter-ish, NTTAWWT. In other words, and excellent outing from a media personality, and not from someone laying the foundation […]
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