Mark Levin Threatens March on D.C.
The Obama administration’s disgraceful stunt, putting up barricades around the World War II Memorial and having its SEIU goons hire protesters at $15 an hour to harass veterans, has inflamed sentiment against the Democrat propaganda campaign. (The mainstream media are endeavoring to ignore the facts, being too busy promoting Democrat propaganda to report the news.) […]
Miley Cyrus: Insult to Injury
Alessandra gets angry about Miley Cyrus trying to use complaints about a “double standard” to defend her decadent behavior: What few people have analyzed is how much liberals have normalized the worst of sexism in the name of liberation (sexual or for women). It’s exactly analogous to their claim that they are “liberating” homosexuals when […]
Obligatory ‘Miley Cyrus Topless’ Post
You’d hate me if I didn’t do this one. Show of hands: Anybody want to see @MileyCyrus topless? Anybody? No? I didn't think so. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) September 25, 2013 The piercings, the tattoos, the butch haircut — if you find that look attractive, seek professional psychiatric help immediately. In her Rolling […]
Mrs. Malkin Misapprehends: The Underside Of The Bus *IS* Your Healthcare Plan
by Smitty Just got letter from Anthem canceling our family’s health insurance plan. #ifyoulikeyourplanyouCANTkeepit — Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) September 21, 2013 It’s kind of a bummer to see #OccupyResoluteDesk so misinterpreted: See, you’re going to have a plan that you can keep. All of the angst hinges around you learning to LIKE the thing. […]
@Alyssa_Milano Releases Sex Tape as ‘Social Statement’ (Alex Jones Is Nuts)
As soon as I saw ALYSSA MILANO SEX TAPE, you know I had to click the link, and was momentarily afraid Becca Lower was linking video from a certain 1995 exploitation flick that shall not be named. (“Never mention that movie . . . she hates that movie,” a friend advised me not long after […]
OMG! @Alyssa_Milano to Appear on @FoxAndFriends; Liberals Go Nuts
OK, so @Alyssa_Milano will be on @foxandfriends at 8:30 a.m. ET. today. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) September 4, 2013 Longtime readers know the story: In 2009, after Alyssa Milano re-Tweeted a column by Mickey Kaus, I determined to get mine, too: Some of my friends say that Alyssa is a dyed-in-the-wool liberal. . . […]
Funniest Thing on the Internet Today
HEH! @WilliamShatner RT @SpudIslander35 @MileyCyrus Captain Kirk watches Miley Cyrus performance: — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) September 2, 2013
My Nightmare and @Andria_XX’s Reality
Sunday was spent with my wife and kids at her family reunion and, I don’t know, maybe I’m feeling deadline stress on this article about the Virginia gubernatorial campaign I’m supposed to be finishing up for the next print issue of The American Spectator. Anyway, I woke up this morning after having a horrible nightmare about […]
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