Hateful @SarahKSilverman Mocks Christianity in Pro-Abortion Video
The Daily Caller’s Caroline May caught this on Friday: In a 5-minute video for “Lady Parts Justice” — the pro-abortion group she formed last year with Daily Show producer Lizz Winstead — Sarah Silverman pretends that she was visited by Jesus Christ, who told her to spread a pro-abortion message. Also, Jesus gives Silverman an […]
Available: Girlfriend, Slightly Used
Wombat featured this story in his “Live at Five” roundup this morning: Pop starlet Selena Gomez, 21, is on the rebound, looking for a new boyfriend after being dumped by Justin Bieber: “I actually talked to Katy Perry about guys who are intimidated by strong girls. I haven’t found someone yet who could understand my […]
Glenn Beck’s #LGBT Agenda?
My brother Kirby called this afternoon and began the conversation by saying, “You know if that kid in Florida kills himself . . .” Yeah, they’ll blame me. Volunteer Official Scapegoat™ of the Hate Olympics. Someone has to be the conservative who notices things you’re not supposed to notice and says things you’re not supposed […]
Latina Actress Blacklisted for Supporting Republican Candidate
WOW! Cuban-American actress @MariaConchita_A supports GOP candidate in Calfiornia http://t.co/1M8tAhJpyv @regularrightguy #tcot — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) January 18, 2014 If I had ever heard of Maria Conchita Alonzo before now, I don’t remember it, but I know I’ll never forget her after this: A famed actress is facing backlash in San Francisco’s Latino community, […]
Lena Dunham: ‘If You’re Not Into Me, That’s Your Problem’
Latest definition of misogyny: disinterest in viewing Lena Dunham nude http://t.co/YpEFhTexiT — David Burge (@iowahawkblog) January 14, 2014 Was a reporter guilty of misogyny in questioning the rationale of the frequent Lena Dunham nude scenes in the HBO series Girls? Certainly, producers of Dunham’s show answered in the affirmative. “It’s sexist and offensive, it’s misogynistic,” said […]
Joblessness at Record Levels; So Why Does @BDayspring Still Have a Job?
People Not In Labor Force Soar To Record 91.8 Million; Participation Rate Plunges To 1978 Levels — Zero Hedge U.S. job growth weakest in three years — Reuters With such grim economic news in the headlines, you might think that Brad Dayspring, communications director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, would try to avoid doing […]
‘Love,’ Celebrity Style
Having never watched the TV show Burn Notice, I previously had no idea who Seth Peterson is. However, the 43-year-old actor has recently abandoned his 39-year-old wife — who is seven months pregnant with their third child — for a 23-year-old nobody named Miranda Doerfler. Any 23-year-old woman who would have an affair with a […]
It’s a @CharlieSheen Christmas, Bitch!
Perhaps you’ve forgotten the complete manic breakdown Charlie Sheen had in February and March 2011, when he announced that he was “tired of pretending I’m not special . . . a total freaking rock star from Mars,” trashing everybody, boasting about his drug intake and publicly flaunting his porn starlet “goddess” girlfriends. What’s wrong with […]
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