Who Is @LenaDunham’s Uncle and Why Does He Keep Making Her Get Naked?
Oh, it was just a joke, says the habitually naked HBO star, but why would she even have thought of a “joke” like this? Responding to someone on Twitter who criticized Dunham’s “branding” as The Unattractive Girl Who Is Always Naked, she responded: “Please tell that to my uncle, mister. He’s been making me!” Then she […]
Sarah Palin CPAC 2014 Part 2 (Seuss!)
by Smitty Thanks Texas, lauds Senator Ted Cruz, then starts in on a Dr. Seuss parody. The rest of Seuss: Genuinely funny, but delivered more as an entertainer than as a serious contender for high office.
Sarah Palin CPAC 2014 Part 1
by Smitty Her conversational, mocking tones make all the needful heads ‘splode on the Left. At the same time, her lack of demonstrated interest in running again saw her take 2% in the CPAC straw poll. Nevertheless, we luv huh.
Hollywood Actress Urges Hollywood to Create More Jobs for Actresses
If any misogynist is looking for evidence of female mental inferiority, the Huffington Post’s “Women” category is a treasure trove, with dumb writers and dumber topics (e.g., “Why I Hate Wearing Bras” and “I Was On Reality TV — Here’s What It’s Like To Fake ‘Real Life‘”), suggesting that there are two basic ideas behind […]
Kim Novak’s Oscar Appearance Sparks Remarks About Age, Plastic Surgery
Kim Novak: A legendary Hollywood bombshell @ColorMeRed @AmPowerBlog @BeccaJLower @lamblock @MelissaTweets pic.twitter.com/a38IxfyfYx — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) March 3, 2014 People say disrespectful things on Twitter every day, but when 81-year-old Kim Novak showed up on Sunday’s Oscar broadcast to present the Best Animated Feature award to Frozen, the sarcasm about Novak’s surgically altered face […]
Palin Vindicated on Russia, Ukraine: ‘I Could See This One From Alaska’
She who laughs last: Sarah Palin may be having a bragging rights moment. In 2008, when she was the GOP vice presidential nominee, Palin questioned in a speech whether then-Sen. Barack Obama would have the foreign policy credentials to handle a scenario in which Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine. “After the Russian army invaded […]
Russell Brand Is the Patriarchy or Something, Says Katy Perry
Celebrity news or Women’s Studies lesson? Katy Perry has said she thinks ex-husband Russell Brand wanted to have kids as “a way of control”. The Roar singer, who reportedly recently split from fiance John Mayer, told Elle magazine that while the comedian wanted children, she wasn’t ready to make those sacrifices yet. She explained: “When […]
Alec Baldwin Hates Fox News, Breitbart.com and His Own Children
As far as I’m concerned, it was the “rude, thoughtless, little pig” episode — the angry voicemail message he left for his 12-year-old daughter Ireland in 2007 — that ruined Alec Baldwin’s reputation. What kind of father talks that way to his daughter? It’s one thing for a father to chew out his son (“D […]
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