The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Dude, I’m So Wasted’

It was nearly midnight in D.C., and I was sitting on the patio of the Dubliner with my friends Victor Morton and Pete Parisi of The Washington Times, when I saw Sean Pean walking past on F Street. “Dude, that’s Sean Pean,” I said. Pete and Victor turned to look, but Penn had his back […]

CPAC 2010: Bloggerazzi Photopalooza!

“It’s all a blur,” Andrew Breitbart said to me in a phone conversation Monday, as we discussed events at CPAC 2010 — the biggest ever and, most attendees agreed, the best. The “blur” effect that Breitbart described is much like the experience of campaign coverage — you go, go, go day after day, with maybe […]

‘Who Is Ellie Light?’

That’s the John Galt-like question Michelle Malkin ponders this morning: It’s a handy rhetorical rejoinder the next the White House or your nutroots neighbors and co-workers try to tar the Tea Party or any other grass-roots revolts against President Obama as phony, top-down operations. When Obama’s Soros-funded, Big Labor-directed, K Street-organized goons engage in classic […]

Guess Who’s a Neo-Confederate
Faux News Tea-Bagger Extremist?

“I look at the numbers and I am worried. I am worried about this government committing itself to so many entitlement programs and committing itself to such a level of taxation to support those entitlement programs . . .” — Chris Matthews “This just in: Chris Matthews is a racist and should be investigated by […]

Are Democrats Planning to Steal the Massacusetts Election for Coakley?

Only if they have to, but at last night’s Coakley rally, Da Tech Guy overheard some union official assure a Democrat, “Don’t worry, the cavalry’s coming.”  Was that perhaps a reference to the SEIU “Purple Army” that Michelle Malkin is warning about? Scott Brown has consistently said he hopes for a fair election. “I have faith […]

Is Martha Coakley Even Sleazier Than
Tila Tequila? BUMPED: Reporter Hassled

Tila is arguably the nadir of celebrity sleaze, but at least she’s not running for the Senate: Democrat Martha Coakley is the voice of the “little people” the way Ted Kennedy was the voice of sobriety. That’s from Michelle Malkin’s column and you should read the whole thing, which makes clear just what kind of sold-out hack Martha Coakley […]

Are Vampire Masks Racist? Also: How Bad Does David Brooks Suck?

Of course, I don’t think vampire masks are racist, but expect the Left to make that accusation against Michelle Malkin. Speaking of vampires and other things that suck worse than Avatar, David Brooks’ column yesterday was a backhanded putdown of the Tea Party movement, as Malkin notes. I bought the New York Times yesterday in the San Francisco airport […]

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