The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Lame-Duck Democrats Trying to Pass Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Like the Killer of Democratic Intern Chandra Levy

OK, I’m not sure Ingmar Guandique would qualify under the DREAM Act, but you get the point. And if you don’t get the point, Michelle Malkin will explain it to you — and she reminds you that the media are still “whitewashing the illegal immigration angle from the story.” Liberals — including Republican open-borders advocates who […]

Emergency! Democrats Trying to Shove DREAM Amnesty Through Lame-Duck

Forget the TSA gropers at the airport. Forget Dancing With the Stars. Forget everything and focus on this: During his re-election campaign in Nevada, [Harry] Reid said he would try again to pass the legislation, known as the Dream Act. And in a Twitter message on Wednesday evening, his office said he would try to […]

‘President of the Back of the Bus’

In order to keep the leadership perks for herself and fellow big-shot honky Steny Hoyer, Nancy Pelosi created a meaningless “No. 3” position for James Clyburn. Michelle Malkin’s snarktastic reaction: Imagine if the Republicans created a figurehead position out of thin air to keep “the black guy” from making waves and challenging the two white people at the […]

Patterico’s Latest Gambit: Trying to Pit Michelle Malkin Against Mark Levin?

More unfortunate fallout today from the Delaware Senate campaign, a subject about which I know a lot but have said relatively little in recent weeks. To explain my side of the story: From early October onward, I tried to turn my attention (and readers’ attention) to House races. The Senate campaigns were getting plenty of coverage […]

Michelle Malkin Unloads Both Barrels on Gerson, Rove and the GOP Establishment

It’s kind of hard to paraphrase, so please go read the whole thing. She’s just a natural-born hell-raiser. Going back to the 2006 fight over the McCain-Kennedy amnesty bill, Malkin has always sided with the grassroots against the establishment. She opposed the whole neo-Keynesian stimulus-and-bailout agenda from the very get-go, back in early 2008, before anybody […]

Attagirl, Michelle! Malkin Endorses Tancredo for Colorado Governor

A thing of beauty is a joy forever: The GOP gubernatorial candidate in Colorado, Dan Maes, is now in full meltdown mode. . . . Republican primary voters were forced to choose between entrenched, ethics-challenged establishment candidate Scott McInnis and untested businessman Maes. GOP voters made the right choice given the options at the time. […]

A Short List . . .

. . . of Astoundingly Stupid Things No Conservative Blogger in His Right Mind Would Ever Even Think About Doing: Publish posts conflating “neocons” and “Jews” in such a way as to provoke accusations of anti-Semitism. Respond to such accusations by publishing deranged rants against Jews. Get into hateful public pissing matches with Ace of […]

Delaware Fever: Catch It!

OK, how crazy has the Delaware GOP Senate primary gotten? Crazy enough that it prompted one ill-informed reader to send Michelle Malkin an e-mail accusing her of supporting Mike Castle and — wait for it — also saying that Allahpundit is her husband. Never mind the absurdity of that last one. The ill-informed reader’s assertion […]

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