The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Greedy Corporate Swine at Starbucks Cleverly Market Altruistic Image

Perhaps you’re not old enough to remember the 1999 “Battle in Seattle,” when mostly peaceful demonstrators dangerous anarchists exercised their First Amendment rights went on a violent rampage in downtown Seattle during a meeting of the World Trade Organization. What the rioters were allegedly protesting was “globalization,” which at the time was the trendy new left-wing code […]

Leaders Are People With Followers

by Smitty So the House GOP broke on Plan B. This is telling, emphasis mine: Upstairs by the House floor, which was now closed after Boehner’s announcement, a handful of senior members discussed the whip count. They decided to go out for drinks near Union Station, in order to avoid their colleagues who’d be hanging […]

Two Weeks Until Christmas and
Three Weeks Until ‘Fiscal Cliff’

On the one hand, I hope everybody’s having a happy holiday season — and shopping our amazing Amazon holiday deals! — while on the other hand, I suspect you’re bummed out by the tedious ongoing downer in Washington. Politico: Time is running short — and so are the options available to avert the fiscal cliff. President Barack […]

Happy Fiscal Cliff Holidays

Charles Krauthammer on the negotiations: “Robert E. Lee was offered easier terms at Appomattox, and he lost the Civil War.” What’s interesting is how President Obama is arguing that the election was a referendum in favor of what he calls his “balanced approach” to deficit reduction — i.e., increased taxes on the rich — but his […]

Naked Protesters: Unattractive People Demand Action to Protect Boondoggle

In terms of newsworthiness, it might be a clever idea to have, say, Brad Pitt and Anne Hathaway stage a naked protest in Harry Reid’s office, demanding action to reduce out-of-control federal spending. On the other hand, it’s hard to see the logic of sending out a bunch of ugly freaks to harass John Boehner about […]

Federal Law? What Federal Law?

Ace gave this the Flaming Skull™ and pinned it to the top of his blog: There is a federal law that requires employers to give advance notice of layoffs. Because of Obama’s massive deficits, defense contractors will have to lay off tens of thousands of employees. Obama convinced Lockheed Martin to delay the layoff notification until […]

VIDEO: Jon Kyl Defends Defense

In case you’ve forgotten the debt-ceiling deal, if Congress can’t do something to reduce our escalating deficits — and Harry Reid’s Senate Democrats haven’t even produced a budget in three years, so we’re probably doomed — then “automatic sequestration” is supposed to happen, a potential catastrophe for the Pentagon: Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) has been among the Senate’s strongest […]

Stephanopoulos: ‘Van Hollen, How Will The Dems Reply To Ryan?’
Van Hollen: ‘George, We’ll Take Class Warfare For 45% On The Rich’

by Smitty UPDATE: regret autoplay faux pas. I blame Hugo Chavez. Click URLs to view clips. You’ve really got to enjoy the panache with which Chris van Hollen tries to serve a polished Democ**t budget turd: AEI explains the atrociousness of the Democ**t budget in detail. My question is, could this be a tell […]

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