The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Has Alex Knapp Proven Anything?

“Contrary to my colleague Doug’s description of the Federal government as existing primarily to redistribute wealth, there is actually very little wealth re-distribution in the United States.” — Alex Knapp, Outside the Beltway It is not my habit to defend Doug Mataconis, as he and I very often disagree about politics. But Doug’s post, “The […]

Dreams of a Government Shutdown?

Republicans in the House have been pulling long hours to enact a continuing resolution that would extend funding for the rest of the fiscal year. And if they fail to get it passed before the current continuing resolution runs out, they plan to pass a stopgap short-term measure to prevent a government shutdown. Meanwhile, it […]

‘Slash-and-Burn’? Yeah, More of That!

The New York Times editorial page would have you believe that House Republicans are out of control: Are there any adults in charge of the House? Watching this week’s frenzied slash-and-burn budget contest, we had to conclude the answer to that is no. First Speaker John Boehner’s Republican leadership proposed cutting the rest of the […]

‘Obama the Moderate’ Myth

CNN spins it: President Barack Obama’s proposed $3.7 trillion budget was slammed by the left and the right Monday. Outraged liberals called it a callous assault on the poor; dismissive conservatives labeled it a debt-riddled assault on future generations. Which begs the question: Is Obama’s budget blueprint exactly what the president needs to capture the […]

The Bottom Line is the Punchline in Obama’s Laughable Joke of a Budget

Journalism is a profession woefully infested by math-impaired liberals, which may explain why the media have badly misconstrued the Obama administration’s federal budget plan. Here’s the Washington Post‘s spin: President Obama will respond to a Republican push for a drastic reduction in government spending by proposing sharp cuts of his own in a fiscal 2012 budget blueprint […]

How Much Spending Will GOP Cut?

Evidently not the $100 billion they promised: Many people knowledgeable about the federal budget said House Republicans could not keep their campaign promise to cut $100 billion from domestic spending in a single year. Now it appears that Republicans agree. As they prepare to take power on Wednesday, Republican leaders are scaling back that number […]

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