The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Worst. Omnibus. Ever.

How bad is the $1.3 trillion “omnibus” deal Congress passed yesterday? It’s an abomination, a swindle, a political failure, a fiscal catastrophe, a crime against God and man — an omnibus that will live in infamy. Mitch McConnell and the other so-called “Republican leaders” in Congress who “negotiated” this disaster do not deserve to be […]

Democrats in Disarray and Denial as Schumer Shutdown Exposes Weakness

  Rich Lowry analyzes Sen. Schumer’s miscalculations: The press wasn’t hostile to the Democrats over the shutdown, but it wasn’t uniformly compliant, either. The Left objected to a headline on a New York Times news alert right after the shutdown vote on Friday night: “Senate Democrats blocked passage of a stopgap spending bill to keep […]

You’re #WhyTrumpWon, Nancy Pelosi

  She’s a 76-year-old white woman whose father was the boss of the corrupt Democrat machine in Baltimore during the segregation era, and being married to a multimillionaire California real-estate investor, she’s one of the top 10 richest members of Congress. Democrats in Congress couldn’t have picked a more out-of-touch leader if they had tried. […]

The Farce of Sequester

Alas, the cruel imposition of draconian right-wing austerity! At the core of the dysfunction in Washington is this dilemma: Government must approve spending cuts, yet government has no interest in approving spending cuts. Federal employees are quite content with their lifestyles — 46 percent more in retirement benefits than the private sector, cozy job security […]

Sen. McCain And Intellectual Integrity: Let His Carcass Caucus With Democrats

by Smitty Breitbart has the video of a certain grumpy old man, far past his sell-by date, pretending to lecture others about “intellectual integrity”. Enough. The old duffer has been in office for decades, while the integrity of the American government itself has spiraled down like an A-4 Skyhawk hit by Commies over enemy territory […]

Shorter Ryan: I’m Gonna Kick Tomorrow

by Smitty It maybe be that Paul Ryan sincerely believes that Congress is EVER going to reduce spending of its own volition. In the same vein, Obama has stated that he believes his own BS. Gently as it can be put, Paul, CONSERVATIVES DO NOT. We don’t believe Obama. While some might be swayed by […]

Ryan Almost Blows The Reform Trumpet On The Budget

by Smitty Former GOP VP candidate and all-around Centrist got out the Kazoo of Compromise in attempting to sell his budget deal with Senator Patty Murray: “In divided government, you don’t always get what you want,” he said. “We eliminate waste. We stop sending checks to criminals. We cut corporate welfare. We start making real […]

Mark Levin Threatens March on D.C.

The Obama administration’s disgraceful stunt, putting up barricades around the World War II Memorial and having its SEIU goons hire protesters at $15 an hour to harass veterans, has inflamed sentiment against the Democrat propaganda campaign. (The mainstream media are endeavoring to ignore the facts, being too busy promoting Democrat propaganda to report the news.) […]

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