The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Zilla On Da Tech Guy’s Show

by Smitty As fortune would have it, I’m off to a retirement ceremony for my boss last year in Afghanistan, so I shan’t call in and harass. Nevertheless, the details are here, and you will be energized by taking in Pete’s show, which I can attest comes in just fine over the internet. Also on […]

Zilla Bears No Ill Will Toward Me Over The Absurd Tick Post

by Smitty I just got an email from Zilla, who suffers from Lyme disease, concerning the tick post yesterday. In truth, I was struck by the physical similarity of the tick’s abdomen spot to the Apple logo, and went for a sophomoric riff, without even giving Zilla a thought. To those who, perhaps not seriously, […]

Two Worthy Bloggers

by Smitty While we’ve supported Zilla of the Resistance, we’ve not yet blogged her painful situation: I have been doing research and have learned that many doctors who specialize in treatment of Late Stage Lyme operate on a cash only business to avoid some of the nasty red tape and big nanny state f–kery which […]

Zilla On A Stand-Alone Site

by Smitty Out of the Blogger ghetto, and onto the web proper. Go, Zilla!

They Truly Hate Liberty

by Smitty Ladd Ehlinger links Zilla of the Resistance in support of Donald Douglas, who has come under real-world attack for supporting the truth. It is increasingly hard to give anyone on the Left the benefit of the doubt. On political questions, I am nearly at the point of thinking anyone on the Left is […]

‘Veering Into Incoherence’?

Zilla of the Resistance begins by saying, “Please forgive me if this post veers into incoherence . . .” and at first I thought, “Hey, no fair stealing my style!” But then I realized she was talking about the horrible pain of undergoing oral surgery and the side-effects of anesthetics, which are excuses I don’t […]

Zilla Wins the Internet

Over the weekend I did a post about Zilla’s fundraiser to avert doom. Thanks to your help, doom was averted and now — shades of Russ Emerson — Zilla is under assault by the sub-humans at Democrat Underground who call her (among much else) “a far-right racist . . . bigotbot who ran smear campaigns […]

Don’t Mess With the Zilla!

Zilla of the Resistance gives John Hawkins a piece of her angry mind over his “Coming Death of Independent Blogs” article: John Hawkins at Right Wing News has posted a piece proclaiming that if you’re not a big important blogger like him and are just a smaller, newer, blogger like me, then you should just […]