The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘No, Really. I Mean That.’

“Send me your links and tips! No really, I mean that. If you’re in Tampa and reporting on the convention, I’d love to link your stuff. Tweet it to me @tabithahale, or shoot me an email at” — Tabitha Hale, “Convention Watch”

DON’T MISS IT: Steven Crowder Will Speak at BlogCon 2012 in Charlotte, N.C.

That’s right: My close personal friend Steven Crowder — follow him on Twitter — has been honored with an invitation to speak at BlogCon 2012, April 20-21, at the fabulous Hilton Center City in Charlotte, North Carolina. Here is Steven’s latest video, produced in association with the National Center for Public Policy Research: Trust me, […]

Troglopundit Is Not Only an Acromegalic Sideshow Freak, But Is Also Wrong

My friend Lance Burri was once famous as the second ugliest conservative blogger in Wisconsin. That was before Sean Hackbarth and his ludicrous hipster soul-patch moved to Washington, D.C., however, and the Towering Man-Mountain of Cheeseland has since ascended to the pinnacle. But I digress . . . Troglopundit has wasted several thousand pixels in defending the […]

‘Get Crazy With The Cheese Whiz’

by Smitty Pat in Shreveport sums it up for us: “I Suck”. I blogged from Afghanistan for much of 2011; Stacy’s gonzo efforts continue to this day. Yet we’re still clocking in somewhere between haggis and chopped liver on Director Blue’s roundup. Last night, reached for comment at ~2300 EST, Stacy allowed he was on […]

Congratulations, @PinkElephantPun!

Tabitha Hale has been hired by the Franklin Center, which means she is now a colleague of Erik Telford, forming an alliance of historic proportions: Lenin and Trotsky, Saccho and Vanzetti, Leopold and Loeb, Molotov and Ribbentrop, Hale and Telford. The Franklin Center is a non-profit institution evidently dedicated to ensuring that I am never invited to […]

#OccupyFail at #BlogCon11: What Fun!

For the second consecutive year, Tabitha Hale didn’t think I was important enough to be invited to participate on a panel at BlogCon. Or maybe Tabitha just hates my guts. Either way, she subsequently offered me a “scholarship” to attend BlogCon, a consolation prize I was too proud to accept. Pity is no substitute for respect, and if […]

A Venn Diagram Might Be Helpful

LAS VEGAS, Nevada Last night at the CNN debate, somebody said, “Hey, have you seen Erik Telford?” “No, is he here?” “Yeah. He was on Twitter asking who was coming to Vegas for the Western Republican Leadership Conference.” Well, I’d been busy covering the debate and hadn’t seen the Twitter message, and by the time […]

Major National Gathering of Conservative Bloggers Will Include Everyone But Me

Stephen Kruiser, Katie Harbath, Cord Blomquist, Peter List, Frank Keegan, Dana Loesch, Larry O’Connor, John Nolte, Meredith Dake, Matthias Shapiro, Will Franklin, Brandon Stewart, Bill Beutler, Michael Sandoval, Ari Armstrong, Todd Shepherd, T.L. James, Kelly Maher, Andrew Malcom, Melissa Clouthier, Michelle Malkin, Steven Crowder, Jim Pethokoukis, Dean Clancy, Max Pappas, Ed Morrissey, Deneen Borelli, Ace […]

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