The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Erick Erickson, Santorum Consultant?

JOHNSTOWN, Ohio In the preceding post, I described Erick Erickson as hating Rick Santorum “with the heat of ten thousand suns,” which evidently prompted commenters to call my attention to Erickson’s post-debate analysis at Red State: It was the last debate. Newt Gingrich won it. He was the only candidate who repeatedly steered the questions […]

Erickson’s ‘Anti-Semitic Screed’?

Matters took an ugly turn yesterday when Erick Erickson of Red State accused Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post of being in the tank for Mitt Romney — and we’ll have to get back to that accusation in a minute. Because in the process of making that accusation, Erickson wrote: A conservative friend says she’s […]

Can You Make Peace With Stupid?

by Smitty Erickson over at Red State has a post about “Finding Common Ground With the Occupiers“. His four suggestions toward the end are completely agreeable to about every conservative I’ve ever met. In summary, put the public sector cart behind the private sector horse, where it belongs, unless you are stupid. And he’s even […]

Who Said It? July 14: ‘I No Longer See a Path to Victory for Herman Cain’

“Herman Cain has bottomed out, but still can’t find momentum to get in the air again. … “If Cain cannot do well in Iowa, he is finished. And with six months to go, Iowa caucus goers are referring to him as a ‘supernova;’ i.e. a great flash of brightness soon to go dark. There are […]

Rick Perry Dissed by ‘Most Influential Blog in the Conservative Movement’

If I were Rick Perry’s campaign manager, I think I’d be worried by the sound of that rumbling engine and the smell of diesel fumes: “My problem with Perry is pretty straight forward. I’ve been muttering to myself since that third debate, ‘My God. This guy is undefeated?’ “ — Erick Erickson, “I Hate You” Wasn’t […]

Not Enough

by Smitty Another day, another tantrum from somebody who may be lacking in the nerve department. Sarah Palin must do X, or I’m going to post Y.  I’m supporting candidate Z, and I’m really tired of questioning Sarah Palin’s actions, because her supporters are really mean, and they roughed me up in the comments and […]

Radtke: Red State’s Erick Erickson Must ‘Set the Record Straight’ After Making ‘Reprehensible’ Accusations Against Her

Conservative blogger Erick Erickson has “propagated a lie” against Virginia Senate candidate Jamie Radtke, she said, insisting that the Red State managing editor must make a “full retraction” and “set the record straight.” “Erick Erickson has created this situation, where he’s called me a drunk and a liar,” Radtke told me in an exclusive interview, […]

Radtke, Red State and Riehl
UPDATE: Radtke Campaign’s Attorney Demands Retraction and Apology
UPDATE: Radtke Denounces ‘Scurrilous Behavior’ by GOP ‘Establishment’

UPDATE 4:50 p.m. ET: Dan Riehl clarifies the timeline and emphasizes: “It’s between the Radtke Campaign and RedState, no matter how some are trying to muddy the water to distract.” UPDATE 1:10 p.m. ET: Dan Riehl links to a legal letter sent by Patrick McSweeney, attorney for Virginia Senate candidate Jamie Radtke: On behalf of Jamie Radtke, […]

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