The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In Praise Of Erick Erickson For Curb-Kicking A Discourteous Cur

by Smitty Ol’ EE is taking some Twitter heat for the following act => I Have Disinvited Donald Trump to the RedState Gathering. This blog is in staunch support of Erick on the point. The Presidential election is what amounts to the world’s most painful job interview. For a Chief Executive. Name another Chief Executive […]

Sounds Like A Business Opportunity

by Smitty I agree that isolation of conservatives is an obvious goal for the Left, but Erickson’s worry doesn’t seem such a threat: And now, Apple and Facebook are set to develop news platforms that will have a human curator, instead of a computer algorithm. Twitter, likewise, is engaging humans on trending news topics, etc. […]

Sen. McCain And Intellectual Integrity: Let His Carcass Caucus With Democrats

by Smitty Breitbart has the video of a certain grumpy old man, far past his sell-by date, pretending to lecture others about “intellectual integrity”. Enough. The old duffer has been in office for decades, while the integrity of the American government itself has spiraled down like an A-4 Skyhawk hit by Commies over enemy territory […]

@TedCruz & The Broken Immigration Record: Heard This Bef–Heard This Bef–

by Smitty Senator Cruz at Red State: On Monday at 5:30pm, the United States Senate will vote on the most sweeping immigration reform proposal it has considered in almost 3 decades – and it will do so having only seen the nearly 1200 pages of text for approximately 72 hours. Americans – including myself, my […]

Jeremiah Wright Rates A Second Look In The Light Of D’Souza’s 2016

by Smitty Red State serves the mix: If we’re subscribing to the 2016 thesis that BHO Junior is informed by Senior’s anti-colonial politics, then Jeremiah Wright’s black liberation theology dovetails nicely with the anti-Colonialism to demonize the United States and offer the country up as a target for punishment. That’s a fairly crude and simplistic connection […]


by Smitty I can’t force the video to begin at 1:30, but Tommy Chong* serves up the basis for a ‘Bainers’ theme song: Red State: It is well established that Mitt Romney left Bain to go salvage the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics. It is also well established that his name remained on some SEC […]


FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION The news reached me by phone tonight, just as I was trying to get to sleep: Someone has targeted Red State’s Erick Erickson with the same dangerous hoax that had previously been used against Patterico. UPDATE: Erickson writes at Red State: Last week we spent a lot of time writing about […]

Newt Attacks Santorum at Red State: Gingrich’s Bankrupt Narcissism

“Newt Gingrich has more debt than cash on hand, according to the FEC report he will file today. . . . Gingrich continues to carry $1.55 million in debt and the cash flow has evidently slowed. . . . [T]here are already complaints in the extended Gingrich universe about unpaid bills. . . . Gingrich’s […]

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