The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Deborah Frisch Yelled Anti-Asian Insults During Arrest, According to Police Report

Deborah Ellen Frisch, Ph.D., after her Jan. 5 arrest in Bend, Oregon. Deborah Frisch was “uncooperative” and shouted racial slurs when she was arrested in Oregon earlier this month, according to a police report. Frisch, a former university professor who was wanted on a fugitive warrant from Colorado, became “extremely hostile and belligerent” when police […]

Oregon Judge Releases Deborah Frisch

“While I am not qualified to make a professional diagnosis, it has long been my personal opinion that Doctor Frisch is deranged, demented, bonkers, wacky, off her rocker, and cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.” — Robert Stacy McCain, Sept. 24, 2016 Last week, notorious cyberstalker Deborah Frisch was arrested in Oregon, a week after a judge […]

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty The flood abated, and Korban son of Korbill surveyed the ruin by the light of a harvest moon. He and his archers had climbed high in a thick copse of trees on a flanking hill as the orc horde forded River Myzods. The arrival of the flood waters had taken out half of […]

Crazy People Are Dangerous

Deborah E. Frisch, Ph.D., is due in court Monday: The former University of ­Oregon professor released from jail [March 30] after pleading guilty to making a false report against a Eugene police officer is again behind bars on similar charges. Deborah Ellen Frisch, 53, is facing a charge of initiating a false report and a […]

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty King Korbill at Valley Myzods Sky brooding: doom of the gods, King Korbill surveys the field, where destiny would soon drink. “Ten-to-one odds. Perhaps yield?” inquires Marshall Kornods, indulging in common-think. “A final trump we will wield, ere River Myzods runs pink,” the monarch he grimly nods. Enemy horde on the brink, and […]

‘Who the F Are U?’

The quoted tweet could be lesson one in a New Media seminar: “How Not to Respond to Jeff Goldstein on Twitter.” It began when Jeff (@ProteinWisdom) asked @CaliAzona why she favorited a certain tweet, and you can read through the resulting flame war. My apathetic inattention to everything — except whatever it is I’m obsessed […]

The Answer Is At Least As Old As Daniel

by Smitty One of the supreme ironies of my lifetime — at least, from my perspective — has been the dogged adherence even the most erudite of cosmopolitan Jews have shown toward the Democratic Party, even as the Party itself has grown increasingly hostile to Israel, increasingly removed from at least basic support for free […]

‘Oh, My God. They Were Everywhere’

Young stars circa 1987: Corey Haim (left) and Corey Feldman Apropos of recent controversies, Pete Da Tech Guy quotes a 2011 interview with former child actor Corey Feldman: “I can tell you that the No. 1 problem in Hollywood was and is and always will be pedophilia. That’s the biggest problem for children in this […]

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