The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Another Year, More ‘Why Do The Oscar Ratings Resemble Those Of CNN?’

by Smitty Props to Matt Drudge for keeping a straight face for the ‘unexpected’ bad ratings.  Should they bring in the president’s speech writers, one wonders? We understand that, in a globalized movie market, the rest of the world is entertained by the sight of Hollywood pissing down the American back. Could it possibly be […]

Nobody’s Fault But Mine

“I’m not particularly interested in debating What Assange Did or Whether Assange Is A Rapist, and I’d appreciate it if we could steer clear of that in the comments section. Rather, I’m interested in pushing back on the primary media narrative about this case, which is that women lie and exaggerate about rape, and will […]

Bumped: Philanthropic Outlets

by Smitty As the son of a son of a sailor, I cannot fail to link Dan Riehl’s USS Ranger post. It looks like they’re mooring her on the Columbia River, East of Portland, AFAICT. The store link features a vampire novel for that goth in your life. I opted for PayPal. Switching from the […]

Fear and Loathing in Hollywood

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — I’m at a sound stage near Santa Monica Boulevard where Ladd Ehlinger Jr. is directing his latest series of political ads. There is something of an embargo about the exact nature of the production, and I’m on deadline for The American Spectator, so I can’t give you the full story now. However, […]

Siccing the FBI on Little Miss Attila?

No, the Obama administration isn’t after our blog friend. When she was a young teenager back in the 1970s, Little Miss Attila spent a few years in a church that she now describes as a cult. That has not endeared her to those who remain within the flock of minister R.L. Hymers Jr., nor has […]

Give Attila Money

Personally, I think she ought to at least offer to use the money to go to Vegas or New Orleans, but gasoline and eggs and cheering her up are also worthwhile projects, I suppose.

CPAC 2010: Bloggerazzi Photopalooza!

“It’s all a blur,” Andrew Breitbart said to me in a phone conversation Monday, as we discussed events at CPAC 2010 — the biggest ever and, most attendees agreed, the best. The “blur” effect that Breitbart described is much like the experience of campaign coverage — you go, go, go day after day, with maybe […]

CPAC Day 1.1: Your Blog Dollars at Work

While contributions to The Other McCain tip jar are neither charitable, nor non-profit nor tax-deductible, we do accomplish certain humanitarian goals at CPAC. Little Miss Attila enjoys an extra-dry martini — with Tangueray gin — courtesy of yours truly. We were joined in the lobby bar of the fabulous Marriott Wardman Park Hotel by Sean […]

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