The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Still Crazy, After All These Years

The loony bin, the funny farm, the nuthouse — it is not politically correct to refer to therapeutic institutions in such slang terminology, but this PC attitude of apologetic sensitivity toward the mentally ill doesn’t really help anyone, least of all the kooks themselves. If someone is dealing with clinical depression or paranoid schizophrenia, insensitive […]

God Bless Lisa Graas

by Smitty God bless Lisa Graas. Go read all of the Catholic Bandita’s Ten Things [She] Learned About Stacy McCain: 3.) He’s liable to shout, in a crowded restaurant, “WTF?!?!?” if (actually “when”) Carl Cameron breaks into a Santorum speech and steals his thunder (intentionally?), and he is liable to shout in a manner loud […]

Lisa Graas: Santorum’s Secret Weapon

Louisiana Santorum volunteer David with Lisa Graas in Central, La., March 24, 2012 CENTRAL, Louisiana Mitt Romney’s got the big money and the big endorsements, but Rick Santorum has Lisa Graas who — with 6,835 Twitter followers and about 1,500 Facebook friends — has been a sort of social-media equalizer, helping lead an amazingly effective […]

Santorum: The ‘Least Worst’ Candidate?

Lisa Graas makes an interesting argument about the way voters are manipulated with news about polling. Read the headline and first two paragraph of a NewsMax article Monday: Rasmussen Poll: Gingrich, Romney Strongest to Beat Obama Voters are evenly divided over whether Newt Gingrich or Mitt Romney would provide President Barack Obama with the strongest […]

A Mom Named Stacy

Names are curious things. Sometimes I have to explain what should be obvious, that the name of this blog is “The Other McCain” because I did not support my distant cousin John’s candidacy in the 2008 GOP primary campaign. (Don’t Blame Me, I Voted for Bob Barr!) And when people ask, “Should I call you Bob? Rob? […]

Rick Santorum’s Iowa Barn Party

ROLAND, Iowa Rick Santorum just finished doing a “barn party” here at the home of Scott and Susan Hurd. While I have no firm estimate of how many eligible voters were in attendance, I can state officially that the number of kids was ginormous. Lots of big home-schooling families showed up — families with seven, eight, […]

Religious Left Infiltrates Catholic Agency?

Lisa Graas reports: According to a document revealed by Creative Minority Report (CMR), we now have definitive proof that the pro-abortion mindset dwells even at the highest levels of the

‘Progressive Secularization of Society’ Leaves Humanity ‘Thirsty for God’

The quote is from a guy who wears funny hats. While I prefer a fedora myself, it’s hard to argue with Pat Archbold: You know who I blame for the Tucson shooting? I blame Jared. He chose sin. He chose evil. He chose to buy the gun and to shoot people. . . . I blame […]

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