The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Everybody Keeps Getting a Busy Signal at the Blogger Burnout Hotline Nowadays

Professor William Jacobson laments Don Surber’s recent decision to quit blogging. It is probably just a coincidence that Don, one of the most valuable members of the conservative blogosphere since 2005, was never invited to speak at BlogCon. Instapundit grimly holds on. UPDATE: Pat Austin is also grimly hanging on in Shreveport. She offers to chat over […]

It Is Not Often One Locates An Oversight In Professor Jacobson’s Reasoning

by Smitty The Card Game is a great feature over at Legal Insurrection, and last night’s was no exception. This is cold fusion on the race card (h/t American Power): “The new racism is denying racism.” And, a little further on: Thanks to Bill Maher, of all people, we finally have a simple, effective, and […]

Professor Jacobson, Maybe We Should Both Start Blogging About Sports …

. . . or movies or food or something besides politics, because right now we are diametrically opposite and neutralizing each other: Should the race come down to Santorum or Romney, I’d have to think about it, as shocking as that may sound given my criticisms of Romney. That’s not so much a vote of confidence […]

Are We Really Just Too Stupid To Merit Free Elections Anymore?

by Smitty A Montana case on corporate spending on campaigns is exhuming the hoary specter of the Citizens United ruling: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, joined by Justice Stephen G. Breyer, also supported the delay, but said that the case “will give the Court an opportunity to consider whether, in light of the huge sums currently […]

Stacy McCain Still Shines

by Smitty Marco Rubio is a GOP celebrity whose nod would be a real help in the Florida primary. Legal Insurrection points out that: Neither Romney nor Newt deserve credit for helping launch Rubio. That credit goes to the folks at Not One Red Cent and a handful of other bloggers who started backing Rubio […]

The Familiar Pattern Emerges Again

JOHNSTON, Iowa Today I published another column from the campaign trail here in Iowa: Rick Santorum made a bold prediction here Friday night: The Pittsburgh Steelers will go all the way to the Super Bowl for a rematch with the Green Bay Packers. The former Pennsylvania senator was enjoying a rare moment of relaxation on […]

Newt Throws A Hail Sarah Pass?

by Smitty CBS News: Newt Gingrich, plunging in the polls, dropped this bomb Wednesday: he would consider asking Sarah Palin to serve as his number two or in his Cabinet if he became president. “She is certainly one of the people you would look at,” Gingrich said Wednesday, according to Right Wing Watch, when asked […]

Fear of a Ron Paul Planet

“Newt Gingrich’s lead in the race for the GOP presidential nomination has evaporated, according to a new national survey.” — Paul Steinhauser, CNN “The model gives [Ron Paul] a 44 percent chance of winning Iowa based on the current standing of the candidates and the historic uncertainty of polling-based forecasts. Mr. Romney has a 32 […]

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