The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Meet @BridgetteDunlap, Fordham’s Campus Commissar of ‘Human Rights’

“Ms. Dunlap, 31 … was raised a Catholic and was educated at parochial schools” (Photo: Michael Nagle, New York Times) You may recall this week I wrote an item called “Why Does @BridgetteDunlap Want to Suppress the Truth About Abortion?” describing a misguided effort to intimidate those who had written about the abortion-related death of Jennifer […]

Is ‘Corrupt Democrat’ Redundant?

William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection reports on a congressional ethics investigation that has found “there is substantial reason to believe that Representative Owens accepted payment of travel expenses for an officially connected trip to Taiwan from an impermissible source, resulting in an impermissible gift, in violation of federal law and House Rules.” And by “substantial […]

Scofflaw David Gregory Busted by Bloggers, MIA From ‘Meet the Press’

Professor William “Just a Blogger” Jacobson is available to accept your high-fives after he helped lead the citizen-journalist posse that exposed David Gregory’s violation of D.C.’s stringent gun laws. Dylan Byers of Politico has the latest network spin: NBC’s David Gregory, the subject of a now-popular police investigation, is on vacation and will not host […]

Why Do Democrats Like Elizabeth Warren Hate Science?

by Smitty William Jacobson relates Elizabeth Warren’s socially constructed approach to genealogy. Shorter Warren: “I felt Cherokee, and feeling is being.” Look: they have DNA testing now. Put up or shut up. Find some Cherokee who are willing to provide cheek swabs, and get some lab tests going. Find out what, if any, genetic similarities […]

Reporting Their Own Opinions as ‘News’

“It all was part of a group effort . . . to shift the focus from the death of a U.S. Ambassador on a day when all the warning signs of trouble were in place but the U.S. government did little if anything to beef up security. “It was a day on which the media […]

Is Elizabeth Warren Willing To Go Deeper Than ‘Diving Klaxon’ Kennedy’s ’67 Olds To Win Back ‘His’ Seat? Why, Yes.

by Smitty Via Instapundit, we have a Boston Herald editorial wherein Pseudajawea the Motorcyle Godess tries to say that, because Todd Akin (R) said Something Dumb, and all Republicans think alike, and Scott Brown is (OMG!) a Republican, that Scott Brown is liable for Todd Akin’s comments: “Scott Brown and other Republicans want to pretend […]

Kids! What’s the Matter With Kids Today?

Why can’t they be like we were, perfect in every way? Actually, as Bush-era “brand damage” fades amid the grim reality of Obama-ism — hey,  the economy sucks, right? — the kids are starting to figure this stuff out. In 2008, exit polls showed the Republicans lost the under-30 vote by more than a 2-to-1 margin […]

All Right, Everybody Quit Making Fun Of Matthew Yglesias

by Smitty via (JWF) Yglesias cannot be held to account for mistaking the Paul Ryan for the Congressman who engaged in insider trading after the 2008 housing meltdown: Public Servant Drool Bucket To the best of my knowledge, ‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran has offered no explanation, much less an apology, for the allegations of day trading […]

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