The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

TERROR IN FRANCE – Sixty Dead In Bastille Day Truck Attack

— by Wombat-socho Per the UK’s Daily Express, at least 76 people are dead after a terrorist rammed his box truck into a crowd out celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France. Police apparently found guns, grenades, and other explosives in the truck, which was abandoned by the terrorist; he fled to a nearby restaurant where […]

John Doe v. Cornell

One night in December 2013, a male Cornell University student hooked up with a female student at the woman’s apartment. Both students had been drinking. More than two months later, the woman “filed a complaint against Plaintiff, alleging that Plaintiff raped Jane Doe on December 14, 2013, while she was incapacitated.” Note the word “Plaintiff” […]

Props To Prof. William Jacobson And Judicial Watch

by Smitty Legal Insurrection does the Founder’s Work: The short version is that the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department warned NBC News that it could not possess an actual high-capacity magazine, but NBC News went ahead and did it anyway. The MPD recommended a warrant for Gregory’s arrest, but that request was nixed by the D.C. […]

Boosting The Signal: Pray For Mandy Nagy

— by Wombat-socho According to Legal Insurrection, Mandy, sometimes known as Liberty Chick, suffered a stroke yesterday and underwent surgery to relieve the cranial pressure today. She would have started full-time at LI tomorrow. Your prayers are definitely requested; she has fought the good fight, and God willing, she’ll live to fight another day. h/t: […]

#RapeCulture Eggs and Omelettes

Last night I linked A.J. Delgado’s item about the suspicious nature of the rape “epidemic” on college campuses. This phenomenon contradicts common sense: Overall, rates of violent crime (including rape) in the United States are on a downward trajectory, and universities have undertaken extraordinary programs to raise awareness (for both men and women) to prevent […]

ObamaCare: Death Panels for the DCCC

Democrat 2014 campaign slogan: "Now That We Totally Fucked Up Your Health Insurance, Give Us a Chance to Fuck Up Everything Else, Too." — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) November 14, 2013 Oh, what a difference a week can make! After the unfortunate result in the Virginia gubernatorial election, liberal pundits (and some Republicans) were declaring […]

Did SiteMeter Commit Suicide?
UPDATE: It’s Working Again, But Unfortunately, My Traffic Sucks

As of right now, it’s dead. Donald Douglas at American Power and Doug Ross at Director Blue both report that the best, easiest-to-use traffic analytics site failed to renew its domain registration, an error that would require a special kind of stupidity. Let’s all say a prayer that they can get it fixed, because without SiteMeter, I […]

Missing Word in RNC Report: ‘Blog’

William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection spots the omission: Even when the report does mention “social media,” it’s in the context of getting out the vote or having the party apparatus find a better way to reach voters. I would not be surprised if the RNC spoke with some of the salaried conservative media class who […]

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