The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Jonah Goldberg Is Wrong

Goldberg celebrates the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell as a step toward the “rise of the gay bourgeoisie.” But what is happening is not the bourgeoisification of radicalism; rather, it’s the radicalization of the bourgeoisie. If the American middle-class adopts more and more the radical-egalitarian worldview of the Left, this cannot be sold as […]

Obama Presser: ‘Twas Ever Thus

by Smitty Jonah Golberg: During his press conference [03 November], President Obama insisted that the American public doesn’t want to “re-litigate the past.” Roughly four minutes later, he insisted that he inherited the deficit, which got worse because of a recession he inherited, as well. Somehow Obama forgot to mention that he increased spending 23 […]

Nearly In Defense Of Thomas Friedman

by Smitty (h/t VodkaPundit) Goldberg’s demolition is rather thorough, a gold medal fisking, I daresay, but TF can almost be given credit for randomly approaching somewhere: Friedman is of late very frustrated with America for its failure to do what he says it must. Last September, in one of many columns lamenting that China does […]

Goldberg And Instapundit

by Smitty Two of your favorite heads heading down the byways of favorite topics together. Jonah was most interesting in discussing the reluctance of the establishment, mostly media (but I’ll venture that his point extends to the GOP proper) to get overly attached to the Tea Parties. Goldberg doesn’t put it this way, but it’s […]

Is Ron Paul Daft?

by Smitty David Harsanyi seems to think so, emphasis mine: “Congressman Paul is committed to bringing the conservative movement back to its traditional platform of limited government, balanced budgets and a foreign policy of nonintervention,” claims Jesse Benton, Paul’s spokesman. If only it stopped there. Paul isn’t a traditional conservative. His obsession with long-decided monetary […]

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