The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Homo Bureaucratus Is The Problem

by Smitty Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.–Lord Acton Over time, even petty amounts of power bring out the Nixon in all of us. Via Instapundit, Mark Fiztgibbons writes: In America’s first 100 years, federal officials could be sued in state courts for acting beyond their authority. In his book Creating the […]

Helping Dr. Helen Sort All This Out

by Smitty Let’s lay down a few Lefty assertions that, while not absolutely true, may have some explanatory power: The federal government, staffed with ‘officials’ and ‘experts’, is your parent. You are a sheep, lacking free will, and are a sort of hormonal robot. You are a guilt-free slut-o-matic, or dildo with feet, and should […]

Obama Administration Gets Its Benghazi On Over In Afghanistan

by Smitty This is just despicable: KABUL — A growing number of Afghan interpreters who worked alongside American troops are being denied U.S. visas allotted by Congress because the State Department says there is no serious threat against their lives. But the interpreters, many of whom served in Taliban havens for years, say U.S. officials […]

Obvious Truths of the Obama Age

Professor Glenn Reynolds, who knows a thing or two about effective Internet sites, discusses the debacle: So the Obamacare website doesn’t work, and nobody knows when it’ll be fixed. Administration officials are pointing toward late November, but they’ve had more than three years to work on it. In about the same amount of time […]

An Ode To Lois Lerner: “Blown Snow”

by Smitty But Sometimes Bureaucrats Soar Beyond Simple Background Stories, Brokering Supercilious Bromides Stashed Below Silver Busses Staggered By Squashed Bodies Sacrificed, Bravely Supporting Beliefs Seemingly Broken, Soviet-style — Losing her 1st Amendment rights?

You Disagree With @Instapundit At Your Peril, But I’m Going With Nicolaitanism Over Oikophobia

by Smitty Pondering why we can’t talk about guns, Insty quotes Barry Snell . . .we can’t have a rational gun debate is because the anti-gun side pre-supposes that their pro-gun opponents must first accept that guns are bad in order to have a discussion about guns in the first place. . . and concludes: […]

Wrong Headline, Professor

Glenn Greenwald spent the Bush years in a constant state of hysteria about war and infringements of civil liberties. It’s hard to think of a commentator who more typifies the anti-war Left of that era. It is therefore a shock to see Greenwald now grumbling this way: I wonder: does someone who goes from being […]

New Year, New Awesomeness: Jimmie Is Ready for His Instalanche, Professor

Jimmie Bise Jr. describes improvements to his Sundries Shack blog, including “a new webhost that will give me a lot more bandwidth so that the next time Glenn Reynolds wants to Instalanche me, my blog will withstand the traffic onslaught like Lieutenant Dan strapped to the main mast.” Two words of advice, Jimmie: Dog sex. […]

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