The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Yet Another Person I Forgot to Hate: So Many People to Oppress, So Little Time

Hot Air Green Room contributor Sarjex announces that she’s a regular at the Lebanese seafood buffet, IKYWIMAITYD: It’s been big fun reading the hilarious comments regarding the “Gay Air” revamp cartoon and was reading them out loud to TLG (The Liberal Girlfriend.) . . . When I hear all the “social justice” queers talking about how […]

VIDEO Exclusive: Stacy McCain Interviews Ed Morrissey

by Smitty Update: Fixed the YouTube clip.  First day, new thing. My efforts to start vicious rumors about Hot Air have been derailed. Ed Morrissey thoroughly refutes the rumors that the new Hot Air will be about: Manga Cat blogging The Elders of CTHULHU Instead, to quote Ed, the new owners: …are not looking to […]

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