The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

This May Be Nothing, Or It Might Be Worth an Instalanche

OK, there were a million things I wanted to blog about today, but didn’t get around to yet, and now I’m once again sidetracked by a cryptic Twitter message from Sissy Willis: @rsmccain Basic idea, the importance of being noticed (Darwinian status seeking)=huge=ur theme of my blog Given the 140-character limit, perhaps there’s some missing context […]

Will Fox Dump Glenn Beck?

That’s what David Carr of the New York Times suggests: Beck’s contract is up in December and maybe he and the Fox folks don’t see eye-to-eye. Howard Portnoy at Hot Air Green Room is dubious about this theory, citing Scott Baker at the Beck-sponsored Blaze blog. I don’t watch Beck’s show enough to offer any […]

The MSM’s Peculiar Silence on Zeitgeist (Guess Which Network the Progressive Award-Winning New Age 9/11 ‘Truther’ Film Suggests Is ‘Manipulating’ News)

“The last thing the men behind the curtain want is a conscious, informed public . . .” — Zeitgeist (2007) “If conservativism is defined as standing athwart history yelling ‘Stop!’ Zeitgeist is looking the other way yelling ‘Go!’ Have you seen any major media reports on Zeitgeist? Why is that?” — John Saxton, “Three Exculpatory […]

President Obama Abandons White House After Bill Clinton Says ‘Please Go’

Wow. Who knew it would be so easy to get rid of him? Click the image to watch this incredible video: Classic headline at Hot Air: Great news: Bill Clinton apparently now president again The story from the Washington Post: Obama introduced Clinton, said that the two had “just had a terrific meeting” and that […]

Blogpocalypse Now

by Smitty What an unreal season. Stacy McCain has both been linked by AllahPundit and re-Tweeted by Alyssa Milano in the space of a month. I wonder if I should spill the beans and admit that Allahpundit actually is Alyssa Milano, or keep that under my Fedora. . .

Will Arnold Also Bleach His Hair White And Go Orange?

by Smitty (via HotAir) Endorsing Charlie Crist? Why? Did Maria hack Arnie’s Twitter account? Brothers in ideological vacuum, I suppose. Could Governor Crist have bought the endorsement, somehow? Utterly pointless political move, that.

‘Kathleen Parker Is an Idiot — a Remarkably, Stunningly, Jaw-Droppingly Incompetent and Mean Woman’

Oh, wait — Aaron Sorkin wasn’t talking about CNN’s new co-hostess with Client Number Nine! Let’s be clear about who Aaron Sorkin is and what he does: He is most famous for having created a prime-time soap opera during the 1990s whose only evident purpose was to glamorize liberal Democrats and demonize conservative Republicans. This is a […]

Come On, Meg, Where’s Your Sense Of Humor?

by Smitty Put the godforsaken letter up on eBay, with the proceeds going to some suitable charity. Then look at Brown campaign and say “Is that all ya got? ‘Cause I can go all day.” And speaking of the humor, why isn’t anyone delivering Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, for that old-time Governor Jerry Brown […]

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