The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Moving On Up: Herman Cain Places Third in Patrick Ishmael’s ‘Hot Air Primary’

Sarah Palin was the runaway winner with 27%, while Mitt Romney (11.6%) edged out Herman Cain (11.3%) for second. It’s also interesting to see that all the hype for Tim Pawlenty couldn’t boost the former Minnesota governor past 6%, while Newt Gingrich didn’t crack 2%. Of course, this isn’t a random-sample scientific poll, but it does […]

AllahPundit: No

by Smitty Related: the future report.

Respecting Lawrence O’Donnell

by Smitty (via Hot Air) O’Donnell does a more courageous job of expressing the Progressive Faith than almost anyone else on the Left. The fact that the Progressive Faith arrives in a sodomized expression of Christianity comes close to triggering a puke reflex. It happens. May Heaven have mercy upon you, Lawrence O’Donnell, and the […]

Actually, Sprinklerman Has A Straighforward Play

by Smitty Morrissey makes it sound as though the Speaker of the House was ‘a young apprentice / caught between the Scylla and Charybdis’ when it comes to the debt ceiling: Of course, most voters don’t want the debt-ceiling limit raised, either. That gives Boehner a lot more political leverage than he normally would have, […]

Unborn, Businesses: Is There Anything The Nihilistic Left Will Not Abort?

by Smitty Stacy mentioned the myopia of the Left with respect to providing future voters earlier today. Down in the land of Nikki Haley, there is a similar outburst of nihilism afoot, attempting to abort Boeing’s efforts to build planes. Karl Marx famously said “From each according to his ability, to each according to his […]

Huffy Arianna And The Circling Sharks

by Smitty Morrissey and the dextrosphere are all enjoying a good chuckle at the expense of the Huffington Post lawsuit. Jonathan Tasini: We’re going to make it clear that, until you do justice here, your life is going to be a living hell. Justice? Really? How does Tasini’s notion of justice relate to things like […]

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Alternative Reality)

“Not only did Democrats under her Speakership raise discretionary spending 18% in three years, not only did she pass a Pay-Go law and then fail to adhere to it even once, Pelosi became the first Speaker since Watergate to fail to pass a budget resolution for a fiscal year. In 2010, despite having a 77-seat […]

Revolving Doors: Freire Exits Examiner, Joins NMS; Klein Exits Spectator, Joins Examiner; Hot Air Is Hiring (Not Me)

One of the things that has always amazed me about D.C. is how frequently young people change jobs here. You go to a cocktail reception and run into a think-tank guy you met at a reception six weeks ago: “Hey, how are things at [name of think tank]?” And he says, “Oh, I’m at [name […]

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