The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Downgrading America

by Smitty Big Government links The Hill with a poll saying over 2/3 of voters say America is in decline. Meanwhile, HotAir brings the new RNC ad going after BHO for his bus tour in NC and VA: Got news for BHO about the Commonwealth: the impending VA election will likely be as savory to […]

Herman Cain Surges Ahead in New Poll; Mitt Romney, Allahpundit Hardest Hit

Being the guy who has been talking up Herman Cain since Nov. 13, 2010, pretty much guarantees nobody will give you credit when the impossible actually happens: Fueled by Tea Party supporters, conservatives and high-interest GOP primary voters, former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain now leads the race for the Republican presidential nomination, according to […]

Has This Blog Mentioned That Allahpundit Is The Greatest Within The Last Ten Minutes?

by Smitty This blog would like to take a moment to thank ALLAHPUNDIT at HotAir for what may go down in ‘net history as the cheapest linkage stunt in evar. Thanks, Your Anonymity: you’re the best. Those curious as to the basis for this post are invited to click the ALLAHPUNDIT link above. Because throwing […]

Again, Zappa

by Smitty Via Hot Air, there is the Debbie Wasserman-Shultz at Real Clear Politics, desperately hoping to perform a modern miracle on the economy through repetition. “Well, we’re going to focus on what we know is the number one priorities on Americans ease minds right now, that is creating jobs and continuing to get this […]

See? B.S.!

Ed Morrissey does an excellent evisceration of a blatantly deceptive CBS News poll: Have Democrats leaped to an eleven-point registration advantage in the last five weeks?  In early June, a CBS News poll showed a D/R/I sample of 30/30/40, which undersampled both parties slightly in favor of independents, even weighting it to slightly favor Republicans. […]

Of Course, There Will Be No QE3

by Smitty Ed Morrissey at Hot Air seems to think that there will be another round of quantitative easing, but then explains why it won’t happen: The “era of easy money” will have to come to an end at some point. As QE2 demonstrated, Fed monetary policy at the extreme of “easiness” has almost no […]

Look on the Bright Side

“The more time they spend accusing Republicans of wanting to kill old people, the less time they’ll spend accusing Republicans of hating black people.”

It’s Kinda Hard to ‘Work the Refs’ When the Refs Are Playing for the Other Team

One of my habits is re-reading good books. Any book worth reading is worth re-reading, and there are some books that I have read multiple times, including William Shirer’s Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France, and P.J. O’Rourke’s Parliament of Whores. Another habit, picked up during […]

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