The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Go Ahead, Blame Me

Ed Morrissey informs us that Tina Korbe is leaving Hot Air to take a job at the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, and I’m sure some people will find some way to say this is somehow my fault. As I explained in February when people were screaming for my scalp: I’ve always liked Tina, had often linked […]

No Bowlder Man Than Dennis Walcott Ever Lived

by Smitty via Hot Air New York City Department of Education Chancellor Dennis Walcott has published a list of 50 words that should be expunged from standardized tests. Let us celebrate bowdlerization with a meditation on why Progressivism is cranial rectalitis at its finest using all 50 words/ideas that Walcott finds objectionable, in what is […]

Notes on an Unfinished Letter of Apology (Or, Does Ed Morrissey Torture Cats?)

“Television, naturally enough, is biased toward compelling visual imagery, and in almost all cases the charms of a human face take precedence over the capabilities of a human voice. It is not essential that a TV newsreader grasp the meaning of what is being reported . . . What is essential is that the viewers […]

Who Wants to See Tina Korbe’s Thighs?

The title of this post is not a hypothetical question, because last week the aforesaid Miss Korbe joined her Hot Air colleague Ed Morrissey for a video interview with Rick Santorum, which I didn’t see until somebody brought it to my attention yesterday: Our keen-eyed readers will note that at the 0:28 mark of the […]

Santorum Conquers the World?

When I wrote about “Santorum’s Second Surge” Monday, there were not yet any poll numbers available to substantiate my perception that he had scored a critical breakthrough with last Tuesday’s hat-trick triple win over Mitt Romney. Now, as Tina Korbe says, “Good news just keeps coming for former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum” — and not merely because […]

Faced With Maxed-Out Race Card, Can Eric Holder Get A Rep. Allen West Bailout? Why, No; No, He Cannot!

by Smitty The blogs have been on about Eric “The Bolder” Holder’s NYT interview, where he few a Hail Jerry* and said that: “This is a way to get at the president because of the way I can be identified with him,” he said, “both due to the nature of our relationship and, you know, […]

Fear of a Ron Paul Planet

“Newt Gingrich’s lead in the race for the GOP presidential nomination has evaporated, according to a new national survey.” — Paul Steinhauser, CNN “The model gives [Ron Paul] a 44 percent chance of winning Iowa based on the current standing of the candidates and the historic uncertainty of polling-based forecasts. Mr. Romney has a 32 […]

‘10,000 Marbles, Please’

“Pastor Gordon might not be much of an Animal House fan, but he is in effect acting as the Eric Stratton of Iowa conservatives, providing the decisive approval of a madcap scheme proposed by the frat-house slob who, as we all know, is destined to become Senator Joseph Blutarsky. And the dramatic parallel is almost […]

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