The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Remember All Those Nice Things I Said About Dave Weigel?

Yeah, I’m looking like a total chump, now that he’s guestblogging for Andrew Sullivan. No word on what Weigel will have to add to the usual Sarah Palin obstetric conspiracy theories and Israel-bashing at Sully’s. What next for Weigel? Guest-hosting the Alex Jones show? UPDATE: Note Ace’s reaction, including the not-gonna-link-Sully-no-matter-what standard. Very few sites qualify for […]

The W-Word: Fringe Journalism Is Fun!

Yes, the W is for “Weigel,” which term seems to have become as offensive (or boring) to some readers as “epistemic closure” or even “Elena Kagan Sex Tape” — the latter being a sort of satire of Rule 5, for which Marty Eisenstadt disclaims any responsibility. Summer is a great time for blog-fights because traffic always goes down during the summer anyway, […]

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