The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

New York Times Sends an 11-Year-Old Girl to Interview the Jonas Brothers

Or the equivalent thereof: Shridar Pappu’s profile feature on “Washington’s New Brat Pack” pulses with so much fanzine breathlessness you might think it was February 1964 and the Beatles had just landed in New York: In only a few years, these young men and others like them have become part of the journalistic establishment in […]

I Don’t Hate Trains

“What, exactly, do Republicans, conservatives, and libertarians have against trains? Seriously, what?” — David Weigel, Slate Few things — not even the threat of a coffee shortage — bother me quite so much as what I call the Existential Theory of Liberalism: Everything that exists must be subsidized by the federal government; ergo, to argue […]

Malkin Pimp-Slaps Weigel

MARION, Ohio — My buddy Dave Weigel has got arrogance like Rosie O’Donnell’s got double chins. His smart-ass attitude already cost Dave a job at the Washington Post (as he has admitted), but his excessive arrogance still gets the best of him, and so today Dave decided to do something extraordinarily stupid: Point his snark at […]

Dave Weigel Calls Himself ‘Progressive’? (Also: Dibs on ‘Arianna Huffington Nude’)

Did ex-libertarian David Weigel just say what it looks like he said here? Imagine a future in which AOL, the online portal for millions of people, farms out its news content to the Huffington Post. Imagine a future in which Yahoo!, the online portal for millions of similar people, hires the deputy publisher of Talking […]

VIDEO: Herman Cain vs. Clinton, 1994

Watch this video in which the Godfather’s Pizza CEO discusses the economic impact of government health-care with Bill Clinton, and tell me if you can think of any Republican candidate better qualified to argue the case for repealing ObamaCare: You really ought to read this 1994 Newsweek article that highlights Cain’s key role in helping […]

Party of Sodomy and Abortion Suffers Demographic Decline — Unexpectedly!

That’s not actually the New York Times headline: Power in Congress Will Tilt South and West  The latest Census report is not good news for the Party of Baby-Killing and Barebacking. “This is about as bad as it could get for Democrats, and as good as it could get for Republicans,” Dave Weigel explains. “The Democratic caucus […]

Post-Weigel Journalism? Impossible!

Once David Weigel left the Washington Independent, they were doomed to oblivion: The crisis in the world of journalism today isn’t really about journalism — it’s about the bottom line. Reporters and editors everywhere are trying to find a way to keep their very good work alive. We thought our model had a chance. It […]

What’s Dave Weigel Up To?

His first article at Slate has a bizarre and complex subject: Democrats are telling him (evidently in all seriousness) that they are afraid Republicans will use the scandals of Maxine Waters and Charles Rangel as a latter-day “Willie Horton” gambit. Really? I mean, really? If we are to take Weigel’s Democratic sources at face value, […]

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